Hello friends! I apologize for how long I have taken to write this blog post. But I have big news! I leave for my Race in just 4 days!!! God has been doing so much in my heart to prepare me, and now I am so excited to embark on this journey.

I want to introduce you to my team. These are the people I will be living and doing ministry with for the next 9 months. Meet Nathan, Courtney, Andrew, Jamie, and Maddy. You can keep up with our whole team’s adventure by going to their blog sites too. On the left side of my blog, click on “Meet My Team:Mizizi.” From there, you can find links to all their blog sites. 


At this point there are several things you can pray about for me.

Pray for this week, as I say goodbye to family and close friends. Pray for my family, that they would trust and release me into God’s hands.

Pray for safe travel.

Pray for my team, that we will grow into a tight-knit family and that we will all have boldness and courage in sharing the truth of the gospel.

Pray for the people I will meet all along this journey, that God will already be working in their hearts so they will be receptive to the gospel that we will share.

Ultimately, pray that people will encounter Jesus and that He will be glorified in everything that happens through my World Race.

Thank you, all of you who have supported me already, both financially and through prayer. God is using you.


It’s time to launch. My next blog post will come from on the field!