Where in the WORLD is Albania?


How far is Albania from North Carolina? 5,063 miles


Population: 3.16 Million (less that half the amount of people in North Carolina)

Land Area: 11, 100 sq miles (a little less than the size of Maryland)

Major Religion: about 60% of Albanians adhere to Islam (secular sunni)

                             Christianity makes up 17%

4 Interesting Facts:

Albanians nod their head up and down to mean ‘no’, and shake it from side to side for ‘yes’

Albania had 3 million people but only 3000 cars at the end of the communist era in 1991 because private cars were illegal.

Albania has the second highest sex selective rate of abortion in the world, between India and China

Mother Teresa is from Albania!


4 Things Im looking forward to:

This is MONTH ONE of the race!

Getting to know my team and squad better

Talking to Albanian families who study Islam about Jesus Christ

Seeing God move and experiencing what World Race life is really like

4 Things to keep on your Prayer List:

that I would overcome the major jet lag we will experience from traveling for multiple days

that God would begin to prepare the hearts of the people we will meet in Month 1

that I would dive right in to WR life and give thanks to our father every day

that my team would grow close and become a family on mission for God


This will be my FIRST time going to Europe..my FIRST month on the world race..my FIRST time in a majority Muslim nation….my FIRST time living out of a backpack….my FIRST time literally living on the support of those who are supporting my mission from God.


THATS A LOT OF FIRSTS haha but I am confident in Gods direction for my life right now and am excited to be SENT by you guys! If you feel led to donate to my year as a nomadic missionary click on the “support me” tab  on the left side of my blog or click here on this link.  https://www.adventures.org/give/donate.asp?giveto=worldrace&desc=For%20Andrea%20Ruddock


Love you all!
