I have a sign hanging in my room at home… well, I guess currently it’s sitting in a box in my garage, but it previously was hanging in my room. It says, “Where God Guides, He Provides”. My kind friend, Sung Yoon, found it in a store and thought of me. He bought it and randomly showed up at my door to deliver it to me a few months ago. Every day since then I would stare at it and think of the profound truth it communicated. As I was preparing to leave on World Race Round 2, I clung tightly to these words, telling the Lord that if He was guiding me in this direction, I would need Him to provide all the means.

It took 37 days.

In 37 short days, I had every supply I could ever need and a full fundraising bar.


What the actual heck…?

Golly, how good is our God, who sees the needs of those He calls and meets those needs. A God of provision who responds accordingly to His children. How intimate, how freeing, to know that our Father will never leave us in our need, but will provide exactly where we lack so that we may continue to fulfill His purpose in our lives.

I cannot thank you all enough for your support, prayerfully and financially! Thank you for listening to His voice and generously surrendering your own money to partner with the work that the Lord is doing in Y Squad. Thank you for walking with me every step of the way, for trailing me to hear about my journey, and laying the path before me in your prayers and with your finances. I feel so incredibly supported and so loved. Thank you for trusting me to steward your money well, and allowing me to partner with these incredible youth as they work out Christ’s identity in their own hearts and lives!

Fully Funded in 37 days! Wowowowowow. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

If you find yourself wishing you could have given financially, you still have an opportunity to! I have two teammates who are squad leading alongside me. They seriously bring me so much joy and support here on the field, and they will work with me for the next eight months on the field. They both could use more financial support and I would be ever so thankful if you felt led to donate to them! It would be such a huge blessing to all of us to be set to go financially in order to continue loving on each other and on this squad! Here are their blog links:

Courtney Jackson: https://courtneyjackson.theworldrace.org/

Cal Herrmann: https://calvinherrmann.theworldrace.org/

(P.S. They really are the greatest humans alive and I’m honored they are my teammates for this year!)


Continued prayers for funds, wisdom, health, peace, and unity for our leadership team and for Squad Y as we head into month 2 serving the people in Thailand and pursuing our identities in Christ!

All glory, honor, and praise to our powerful and providing Father! Amen amen!