Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you.

Oh, my King, thank you for a room with air conditioning less than a ten minute walk from 7-11 white coffee, street samosas, chicken tikka masala, naan and butter chicken,  and coconut shakes topped with tapioca balls and ice cream. Thank you for our fruit man Mark, who has his stand beside our dorms and sells mango, bananas, and pineapple each for fifty cents or less, for the ocean waves that roll just outside our front door. Thank you for card games like dutch blitz, hearts, and euchre, for Malaysian street art, for kittens that hang outside the café nearby, for little pieces of home that remind me of my roots, like thunderstorms, starbucks, and subway.

Good grief, God, thank you for your sense of humor and for hip-checking my pride back into place. Thank you for longing intimacy with me and for humbling me to seek you for it, for drawing me to tears in worship as your Spirit meets me in the most vulnerable and beautiful heart spaces. Thank you that in your kingdom grief and joy don’t have to be antonyms but can be held simultaneously and can actually complement each other. God, thank you for the truth that my identity is solidified daily as I sit with you in the wilderness.

Lord, thank you for Gap Y. For the squad’s open hearts and open hands, ready to receive and ready to serve, thirsty for your love and excited to pour out. Thank you for the lift they bring, the encouragement, the laughter, the wisdom, the perspective, the light they carry in this world. Thank you for their breakthroughs, their testimonies, their efforts to move towards unity, their humility, their purpose in your kingdom, for the fact that you will not finish working with them until you have brought them to completion.

And Abba, my gratitude for this leadership team is immeasurable. Thank you for Megan and the McCormicks- for how deeply they love and fight for us, how they see the vision of the squad and, in your wisdom and truth, guide us with gentleness into your heart. Thank you for Luis and his love for you, for the fact that I’ve gotten to learn how to go deeper with you through watching him seek your heart out daily. Thank you for the alumni team leaders, for Katie, Clarissa, Liz, Kelsey, and Emma. For the ways they give of themselves, serving with such joy, strength, humility, and in pursuit of you. And for my co-squad leaders, Courtney and Cal, holy cow. I couldn’t have picked more perfect teammates, who understand me, listen to me, fight for me and with me, trust me, choose me, and want to be with me whenever possible.

To your son, Jesus, thank you for all you’ve done for me. Thank you for your goodness, for clothing me with your righteousness and your peace. I receive the identity you speak over me. You’ve called me whole, enough, complete, and new, and I will continue to believe you as I follow in your footsteps.

You’re my absolute favorite.

Love, your Daughter


Travel update: Yesterday was our last day of ministry here in Malaysia. Tonight we are traveling to our mini debrief location in the country where we will rest for a couple days, reflect on the last three months, and prepare our hearts for India. We will travel to India next week where we will stay for the next three months. Prayers for safe travels, good rest, and continued unity on the squad and in this leadership team. More updates and a recap of Malaysia (hopefully) coming soon!