Greetings Friends, Family, and Loved Ones,

          If he did it before then he can do it again. Well guy’s I’m back on this journey of sharing Gods love to the masses. As you all may or may not know, In 2016 I participated in an 11 month journey traveling all around the world to share the good news. It was a life changing experience and has not only opened my eyes to what the lord is doing internationally but what he was doing inside of me. After coming back to the states I was able to plug in with an inner-city missions organization in Houston Texas. I served for a little over two years as the Community Coordinator where I have been able to mentor in schools, visit prisons, and engage in really hard communities. There were many ups and downs but the Lord has definitely shown me the brokenness that we experience here in America and the need for us to be reconciled back to him. This has been an amazing journey but the Lord has called me back overseas. I have been asked to lead a team of young adults on their journey on the race. Already having a full time job in missions I wasn’t sure if I should leave stability for the world race but the lord has given me clear instructions and peace to more forward. I have listed below the amount I will be fundraising and what this money will be allocated towards. Pray about partnering with me in this 3-month journey around the world. Thank You!!!