God broke my heart for Thailand today.

is one of the last, if not the last, countries on my race route. One of the main ministries that the “World
Race” girls have been apart of is to tear down the HUGE case of prostitution and sex slavery that has become a trap for many girls in Thailand.
The goal is to love the girls, starting in the bars, and to give them life
alternatives; ultimately showing them pure and true love with Christ. Many of
these hurting young women and girls will be able to meet their true lover, Christ, through authentic
love relationships with the Race girls…..

                        That means??….


This hit me so hard this morning. My heart opened wide for
the fact that so many girls are treated as an object and probably don’t even
know what love feels/looks like. Their hearts are understandably very hard. I
do not take lightly that God will cross my life with theirs. I will listen to what he wants me to tell
these girls.

             And so it goes……

….Barely having even started my quiet time this morning God gave me my THAILAND song and bible passage. Please read
these words as though the God of love
is speaking to these girls. I love the LIVING
word of God; that one passage can speak
to so many situations.

A Message to God’s Daughters in

14 Sing,
O Daughter
       shout aloud, O
glad and rejoice with all your heart
       O Daughter of

15 The LORD has taken away your
has turned back your enemy
       The LORD, the King of
Israel, is with
again will you fear any harm.

16 On that day they will say to
       “Do not fear, O
       do not let your hands hang limp.

17 The LORD your God is with you,
       he is mighty to save.
       He will take great delight in you,
       he will quiet you with his love,
       he will rejoice over you with

18 “The sorrows for the appointed
       I will remove from you;
       they are a burden and a reproach to you. [a]

19 At that time I will deal
       with all who oppressed you;

       I will rescue the lame
       and gather those who have been scattered.
will give them praise and honor

every land where they were put to shame.

20 At that time I will gather you;
       at that time I will bring you home.
will give you honor and praise

       among all the peoples of the earth
       when I
restore your fortunes [b]
       before your very eyes,”

       says the LORD.


I read this again and again. Verse 17 stands out to
me the most.

17 The LORD your God is with you,
       he is mighty to save.
       He will take great delight in you,
       he will quiet you with his love,
       he will rejoice over you with singing.”

has promised his kingdom and all his love to these girls.

                                   He will save them, delight in them, quiet them with his love, and rejoice over them with singing.

They are brides of Christ, loved by him and pure in his eyes.

                        It’s funny how God is speaking to me, so soon, about
the very last country I will go to. I love how God works.

Below is a video of a past team in Thailand. Listen to them and experience HOPE!!