Hello!! My name is Della Hery Santos! I live in the beautiful state of Alaska! Want to see a picture? 


I took this while hiking Bird Ridge this summer 🙂 

I heard about World Race in the spring semester of 2015, as I was preparing to graduate college. As I looked at the prospect of entering the professional civil engineering world, I knew that I was not ready. I was not ready to sit in an office designing, and commence a lifestyle that pursued money and success. 

I want to set aside time to do things the Lord has put a desire for in my heart. Since my first years in high school I have always wanted to go on a missions trip and this desire has only increased as the years have come and gone.

Last semester I took a class called Perspectives that revealed God’s heart for the nations all around the world, and the call in Matthew 28:19 to go and make disciples of all nations.

As I discussed with my community and searched online, I still did not know which culture or nation I was being called to serve in, the length of time or the type of ministry. Then a friend mentioned World Race which I believe will be a great introduction to different cultures, types of ministires and overall a leap of faith into what serving as a missionary could be like.