When we first started talking about going on the World Race, we
didn’t really know what it was. We knew the basics: that we’d be going
to 11 countries in 11 months, that we’d be in community with a team
during that time, that the ministries would be varied and challenging
and that we would grow in our relationship with God and each other.

What we didn’t know was what it
would ask of us or what we were really committing to. We thought we
were going on a “long” short-term mission trip. We were wrong. I’m
writing this to tell you that we’ve realized something important about
who we are. We are missionaries. We are not individuals on a short-term
mission trip. We are missionaries on the mission field engaging in
battle for the souls of the lost and broken-hearted.

In thinking of the Race as a short-term mission trip it made it
easier for us to separate ourselves from what we were seeing. This
wasn’t “home”–we’d be back at home soon enough in our nice comfortable
bed, no tents, no backpacks, no hunger or bugs to worry about. That’s changed now. Our home has expanded. And we want to ask you to
expand yours as well.

We are all part of the body of Christ, but many of us are sitting
around doing nothing. I know because I am one, I’ve been one, but I
won’t be one anymore. The word says that any branch that does not
produce fruit will be cut from the tree. So what are we producing? What
is the American church producing besides great Sunday morning
productions and books and music?

We’ve all heard that you don’t have to go overseas to be a
missionary. I think that needs to be taken a step further. The word
missionary is not given in scripture. It’s not a spiritual gift, it’s
not part of the five-fold ministry, and it’s not who Jesus was talking
to when He gave the great commission. He was talking to all of us who
identify ourselves with Him as His followers. Something I realized today
and that I’m realizing more and more: This world can only be changed
by followers of Christ who realize that they are also missionaries. We
are all missionaries because we’ve all been given a mission. It is pure
selfishness for us to live without a global perspective. There are
Christian visionaries, businessmen, investors, builders, speakers,
writers, etc. who could change the face of nations if they would choose
to go, to invest, to strategize or plan. Many women have gone. Many
relationally gifted, pastoral, wise, loving people have gone. But where
are the visionaries? Where are the people who are so good at achieving
success, but using those gifts for personal gain rather than to bless
others? And most of all, where are the men??? There are about 2 men to
every 6-7 women on our squad of 55. These young single women are
courageously traveling the world and putting us men to shame. It’s time
for men to grow up and the church to step up. The world needs you. And
God put you here for more than your own needs. Or wants.

In these words I’m not trying to offend, but in some sense I hope
some people are offended. We can’t move forward if we’re not shaken out
of the rut we’re in.

In America we pay taxes to our government and hold them accountable
for using it to better our lives and make our prospects of freedom and
success better. But we live in a big world where there are so many
needs so much more important than our personal success or warm beds. We
give to the government because we have to, then we get mad when things
don’t go our way. But God doesn’t make us give. There’s true freedom in
Him and He loves us regardless of what we do. But in giving we can
voluntarily and truly make a difference in the world.

Catherine and I are missionaries and we will continue that calling
longafter we return from the Race. We may not live overseas, and we may
not set up evangelistic crusades, but we will continue to try to reach
those who need healing and need to hear and see the love of Christ. We
need your help to do that.

We are currently $7000 behind our support goal for this month. This
isn’t money that goes toward a nameless institution or gets parceled up
to pay for random office work. Every dollar you give goes toward
supporting our work as missionaries, including our food and lodging,
transportation, and financial gifts or supplies used to bless vital and
effective ministries we are working with. Please consider donating any
amount by clicking the ‘Support’ link on the side of the page.