Hey friends and family,

We just wanted to let you know that we’re safe here in
Thailand. I’m in Chaing Mai at the northernmost tip of the country and
Catherine is in Phuket at the southern tip. The violence taking place
right now is a clash between two groups: the red shirts, poor and
working-class people who are against the current government and support a
Prime Minister who did many things to help the poor and is currently in
exile in Cambodia, and the yellow shirts, supporters of the King and
the current government who dislike the former Prime Minister because he
didn’t pay taxes and had varying kinds of corruption in his leadership.

conflict comes at a time when there may be a change in the government structure soon anyway since the
King’s health is in decline. The rule of the Thailand might go to his
son, his daughter, or his grandson, or as a result of this conflict the
government may wind up being restructured. We’ve learned a lot of
details about these people and what it would mean for the country if any
of them were to succeed the current King. There are many possible
outcomes but we want you to know that we’re safe where we are and we’ll
be leaving the country on the 30th from Bangkok. We’re well connected
with people who know what’s happening as soon as it’s happening and
we’re not worried about the conflict. Please pray for this country and all who are suffering as a result of
the violence. Pray also that God’s plan for Thailand would move forward
as a result of the outcome of these situations.

Thank you so much for your
prayers and support. We appreciate you and we’ll keep you updated.
Please message us if you have any questions or want to get a more
personal update!

David and Catherine