Both of us
have known for some time that we are called to long-term ministry in the U.S.
We have a passion for reaching out to the broken and hurting and bringing God’s
freedom to those in darkness. Until about 9 nine months ago, we didn’t think
much about doing any kind of missions beyond the typical week long trips.
we became a part of a small group community made up of former racers and AIM
staff. As we heard more about the World Race we both played a little bit of tug
of war as one of us got really excited about the idea and the other preferred
the idea of staying home. We switched a few times but as we prayed and sought godly counsel, we realized that God had placed a passion for the Race in both of our
hearts and we were being led into a new season that didn’t entirely feel
comfortable to us, but was a part of where God was taking us. Along with that
passion we have both felt a stirring for the need to take care of the poor and
the disadvantaged, a message that God has been repeating in our hearts and
through the people around us over the last few months. We’re excited about
serving the lost and the hurting in whatever capacity Jesus allows us to and
learning important lessons that will allow us to fully step into the ministry
He has for us in America. In many ways, we fell in love on an AIM mission trip
to New Orleans and more recently, we enjoyed ministering with our youth group
on an AIM trip to Nicaragua. We saw God move in many different ways and we grew
connected to some wonderful people. As we prepare for the Race we look forward
to experiencing some of the types of ministries we’ve had the pleasure of being
a part of before, as well as stepping out into new things.