In just 3
short days David and I will be leaving the county. It’s hard to believe that at
this time last year God had begun to burden our hearts for the nations and we
had just started the process of considering leaving the country. In our minds
it would be a long time, if ever, we were to leave the U.S. and head across the
ocean to another continent. And here we are less than a year later packing up
everything we’ve called home and putting all we can fit into 2 large backpacks.

It’s at times
like this you realize you don’t really know what to expect about the next year
and staying home doesn’t sound like such a bad idea after all.
J And yet, we hear the nations calling
and cannot turn away from them and the burden God has placed on our hearts for
them. We really have no way to prepare for the unknown and we are expectant of
what God is going to do through us but also in us as well.

The things we
do know about this year is that, just like past years, there will be battles to
be fought and hearts to be touched by the God of the Ages who knows all hearts.
And it is with that, that David and I pray that your new year will be drenched with
new adventures, just like ours, and that God would take you deeper into him as
you dive into whatever He may have for you.

Looking into the unknown
with great expectations!