We just had a really crazy encounter the other day with a burning
field. The men have been working with a ministry called Remember Nhu,
I’ll post more about the ministry in a day or so, but in summary they
provide a home for girls that are at risk for being sold into the sex
trade. Most of these girls are between 5-13 years old and come from very
difficult home situations where there was a high likelihood that a
family member might sell them. There are two homes a few miles away from
each other and the guys have been working to help build new bathrooms
and buildings for the ministry.

Apparently the men who own the
land next to the girl’s home decided they were going to burn an area of
their field to clear it out, but the fire went out of control and headed
directly for the girls home. We got a phone call and were asked to come
help, a truck rushed over to pick us up and we grabbed buckets and
raced to the girls home to do the best we could to help.This video shows
what took place and also reveals that I made a wise decision in not
pursuing a fire-fighting career. I’ll leave that to my brother Steve,
who’s an expert in the matter