Dear friends,

What a season we’re in! At the end of November Catherine and I will both be leaving our jobs and spending the rest of December fundraising and preparing for the race. I’ll be graduating from college on December 15th with a major in Communications and a minor in Philosophy. Preparing for the race has been almost a full-time job in itself lately and we have a lot left to do. This past Sunday we led worship at Vineyard in Cañon City, Co. This coming Friday we’ll be doing a small coffee shop concert at the same church to share about the Race and try to raise some more support. We also got a chance this past weekend to spend time with Catherine’s brother and his family who are missionaries in China.

We are quickly hitting a time when support is more important than ever. We need your help and no matter how small, every gift at this point is a step closer towards our goals. We know it’s difficult to add another thing to the budget, and we are adding many financial needs onto our plate in a time when we’ll both be leaving our jobs very soon. If you’d like to stay updated more quickly on things please subscribe to our blog here

Our biggest need right now is for prayer!

We know our God is a big God and He can provide for all of our needs, and right now we have many. A friend likes to say if it’s God’s will, it’s God’s bill. We’re believing that and asking for you to join us in prayer for the needs we have for this journey.

Our second biggest need right now is for monthly giving.

Please consider giving monthly to help support us in missions for one year. It can be anything from $10 a month to $80 or more. One donor is giving $100 a month and this goes a long way toward helping us serve the people God is sending us to. You can set up monthly giving or a one-time gift here

Our third need is for one-time gifts.

Often these can make the difference between making or missing a financial deadline. We’ve had several small one-time gifts and some very large ones. All of these enable us to be obedient to God’s call for 2010 and we appreciate every single one. If you’ve already given a one-time gift, thank you for giving! And please pray about whether God would lead you to give more, and if not then please continue your prayers for us and keep updated on our journey through the blog.

Finally,there are many items we still need for the trip that can be bought here

Here are some of our upcoming deadlines and where we stand in relation to them:

November 16: We are supposed to have $10,000 in our account.
We currently have about $3500.
November 30: We need to have $14,000 in our account.

December 14: We need to have $17,000 in our account.

Please pray with us and stand with us in faith for the support we need. And please give if you are able. We need your help and friendship as we go to bring Christ to the hurting. Enjoy the video below as a small picture of some of the places we’ll be heading to in January and thanks for reading!