“Do not be afraid!” is one of the most stated commands in the Bible. Usually, what follows after that command, is a presentation of God’s faithfulness. This year I am asking God to take my faith to another level. I want to have a “Do not be afraid” moment. I want to do something so out of my comfort zone that God has to tell me “Do not be afraid.” Then after completing it, I want to be able to look back and be able to say “I know for a fact that the only reason I was able to do this was because of God!” This past fall, God laid on my heart to go on a mission trip. However, I had already decided that I was going to go to graduate school, so God’s plans were going to have to wait.
In January, I attended Passion 2016 Conference and the Lord spoke and convicted me! Throughout the entire conference, the Lord kept laying on my mind missions! At the conference, Christine Caine explained that to run the race that God has for us, that we must lay aside “weights and sins” that hinders us from living in God’s will (Hebrews 12:1). She went on and explained that weights can even be good things. Good ambitions, good relationships, and good plans can hinder us from running our race if they aren’t God’s will for our lives. At that moment, I knew that I had to lay aside my good plans for graduate school, and pick up God’s plan for me!
Some of you may know that I was recently accepted for The World Race. The World Race is an 11-month mission trip to 11 different countries around the world. Click here for more info about the race! For me to complete the Race, I have to raise roughly $17,000– this is where God says, “Do not be Afraid!” I know that I can’t do this on my own, so this is where you come into the picture. You (Yes you even though I may not know you!) are invited to join my support team. There are 3 ways that you can support me!
Financially– I have to raise $17,000. If you would like to partner with me financially, please click the “support me!” Button at the top of the page. You can donate (monthly or one-time) online using a credit or debit card. If you would like to donate by check/money order, please make them payable to Adventures in Mission, and “Davante Jones” in the memo line; mail them to P.O. Box 742570, Atlanta, GA 30374-2570. Cash Donations are accepted. All donations are Tax deductible.
Prayerfully– The most important thing that I am going to need during this season is prayer. If you love talking to God or want to build your prayer life, please consider becoming a prayer partner. As a prayer partner, you will be praying for my team and me during this season. I will email you periodically with my prayer requests.
But wait there’s more! You can also send me your prayer requests!
Encouragement– Let’s be realistic, there will be days where I am going to want to quit. Feel free to leave kind words or scripture in the comments anytime you would like!
Call to Action: If you are interested in supporting me in any of those capacities, please send me an email at [email protected] and I will get in contact with you. I hope that this year will also become a “Do not be Afraid” year for you as well. If there has been something that God has been laying on your heart to do or say, DO NOT BE AFRAID! The same God that was with Moses, David, Noah, and me is with you! So will you accept this invitation to not be afraid? Feel free to share this post with anyone!