This month has definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone. Anything for Christ right. Especially in month 11.

The team went to Sungai Petani for ministry. Small town but with such amazing people. I can say for my part, I was spoiled this last month, I may not have had all the comforts I wanted but I had what I needed. Oh, especially food. I think we were fed the most this month. Whatever we needed, it was provided. The team had the assigned ministries, but with also lots of free time and flexibility. Even though at times I felt bored and needed something to do, I believe it was good. I have to be honest, I am super exhausted and as much as I wanted to pour in and keep pushing through, my body and mind were ready to be done.

One of the ministries was going to a special needs school. I had never gone to a school like this one before, but I can say I LOVED it. These children are adorable and sweet. Very loving I may say. Oh and the best part was they have a huge smile on their face. It just kept reminding me that nothing can be that bad. The smiles are like rays of sunlight that just shine everything around them. The circumstances do not matter. Smile and love life. Always remembering God our creator. Giving Him thanks everyday and choosing joy.  I thank God for saving this ministry to the end because my heart left completely full.

Another ministry we did was house prayer visits. Overall it was satisfying and really learned much from this. Sometimes I would feel like not going. Like I stated previously, my mind felt so exhausted and times I felt frustrated in going. I had to rely on the Lord and ask him for his strength and words. We would go and then were told to share the word. This is where relying on God is good. Letting him speak through you when you have nothing. It is amazing how when you do not have anything to share, God gives you what he wants you to speak. Sometimes I felt as if I was more encouraged by the people’s testimonies than me sharing something. I was encouraged by the trust and faith a couple we met has for the Lord. A bit of their story is that they were an arranged marriage. They had to work through this. They have lost 4 out of 6 children. Still they are not shaken and love the Lord with all their hearts. Their foundation is on the Him. Whatever may come their way, they give it to the Lord and let him take care of the situation. Their story inspired me so much and again reminded me to keep trusting God and always keep going directly to him. Times will be difficult, but as long as I keep seeking Him I will not have to fight on my own.

Going to these homes and having to share with them have stretched me out out of the uncomfortable. I think I just may want to do this more. Definitely not easy, but what you learn from people, hearing their experiences and seeing what God has done is super cool and very encouraging.

Not only these two stretched me out, but we also had to do some flag dancing. Ok maybe just the flags during a worship song. The church went to a global worship service and had to move a flag up and down to the beat during worship songs in front of the church. I do not know how to explain this, but what I can say is that this is not something I would choose to do. It looks easy, but was hard. I thought it was good though. I have to say I did enjoyed it.


As if this was not enough to stretch me out, the team had to also lead worship one day. Then the next day we performed the chorus part of a Malaysian song.  This was interesting. Some had to play instruments and some had to sing. I CANNOT do either, but yes I got to sing in front of the church. My team was not the most musically talented, or so we thought. Amazingly even though not everyone thought so, I think it turned out pretty decent. This is considering the ones playing an instrument only had a 30 minute music lesson. I practiced on the drums if that counts. So much fun. One of the guys killed it. He played the drums and it was great.

I may say definitely out of my comfort zones. I just ended thinking that this is all to glorify the Lord anyways. I cannot say I would like to do it again, but if needed why not. This is where the Lord gives us boldness. All we need to do is just embrace it.

I had told God going into the last month that I wanted to leave with a bang and well he did provide it. Many new opportunities and feeling so spoiled the last month was good for me.

What I learned overall this last month was to just do the things you may think you cannot do. Rely on God always and he will direct you. BE BOLD!! Even when uncomfortable. Do not miss out on opportunities to grow. You will never know what you are capable of or how God can use you if you do not step of to the unknown. Do not let fear stop you.

This may be the last ministry month on the race, but not the last thing I will do to serve the Lord. I cannot wait to see where else he may take me and what he wants me to do. But as others have their plans, I am at peace not knowing yet. I am enjoying day by day. Tomorrow is not promised and why not enjoy the present and not miss out on today. I thank God for all He is and has done. I LOVE GOD SO, SO MUCH!!!

Proverbs 19: 21. Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. –