Cambodia will always be so present and memorable in so many ways. So many first time of many things. Tried iced coffee for the first time (yes I know and it was from the side of the road). Wore elephant and Ali baba pants. Slept on the floor covered by a mosquito net. Ate some duck. Put my feet in water full of fish that eat dead skin (my feet terrible this year). I also got to ride in a Tuk Tuk. Went to Angkor Wat. Ate an Ant (live one). Tried a fruit called wood fruit (dries out your mouth) and few other fruits like Dragon fruit and some I do not even know the name of. Ate Cambodian pancakes (eaten with greens and meat) and I ate an entire pizza all by myself (I was hungry).

Not only these things but I also got to be a principal at a school for two days which I thought turned out good.  Went to an orphanag. And of course having my 36 birthday in Cambodia. It was one of the best. My family was not around, but my family in Christ made me feel so special and loved. Church, water park, and surprised with a cake with whipped frosting which is my favorite. Now that was so special and unforgettable. I also received a video from some of my squad members wishing me a Happy Birthday. It was so awesome! I would have never imagined having a birthday in Cambodia and I thank God for the opportunity he has given me.

This is quite the list and there is so many other things, but what takes the number one spot on the first time description is going to be a bar in the red light district in the Kampong Som District. God put us in this town and it was no coincidence. He always has a plan. So you ask yourself why this was my number one?


Let me tell you…….

After teaching for two weeks our host had planned to take us to the beach during Cambodia’s holiday week on an adventure. We left Kampong Thom on Friday at 4:30 AM. This ride was to take 6-8 hours but lasted 11 hours. I should have been prepared for the extra hours since it is normal during our travel days, but for some reason I was just not having it. I was tired, hot, hungry and just had not been all myself for the past week. I wanted to get to our destination, but if anything could go wrong it did. Kids crying, tired and hot. Van not working properly and we had multiple stops. Towards one of the last stops God gave me the instruction to pray over our trip. I did not want to at first and thought it was just me wanting to do this. After a few minutes I told my team I wanted to pray and we gathered around  while squad leader Luis and host looked to see what was wrong with van. I prayed peace and safety during the remainder of the time left. I knew it was God because his presence just over powered me after we prayed. It was a confirmation that He is in the midst of every situation. See God speaks to us in different ways and even when we doubt, we just need to obey.

After this we stopped maybe one more time and then it was like nothing ever happened. I thanked the Lord and thought it was no coincidence what was going on. I still did not have a clear picture as to why all the obstacles but found out later that night why.  

Once in Kampong Som, after being out in town, Luis mentioned he had passed by one of the bars and it was obvious what was happening there. Apparently we were in the red light district but I had not realized it earlier. I guess I was just refusing to see what was in front of me. Easy to ignore right? The area is very common for prostution. These are not just above age women, but very young girls that even makeup cannot disguise them. I had heard and seen of these things, but I was choosing to be oblivious to reality. I will never understand, but what I can do is love them like Jesus. I do not want to continue seeing this an ignorance. Do we really take the time to find out why these things happen? Do we even care?


That night I decided to go out with Cal and Luis. We went to the one specific bar Luis had seen. When arriving there one of the women came up to us with a very big and beautiful smile and invited us in. (I am going to call her Sarah, not her name). Sarah proceeded to show me to my seat while the guys stayed with two men there. Sarah did not understand why I was there and got the wrong impression. She brought out the game Jengha and water I ordered. She was even more confused now. I proceeded to talk to her and create that safe place for her. I asked her questions about her and her family. Just a friendly conversation. As she still had the wrong idea, I explained why I was there. I explained that I was there because God had sent me to tell her that he loves her and cares for her. Explained that she is not alone and does not need to do anything special to earn his love. I told her that she is worthy and she could do anything her heart and mind desired. I explained how even if society shuts her down, she is still valuable.


She listened so intently as I talked to her. Guys came along and shared more truth with her. In no way did we make her feel any less than us. We are all brothers and sisters and for whatever circumstance she was there we wanted to tell her she is not alone. It is not my place to judge or condemn anyone. If Jesus does not do it why should I. On the other hand, he will forgive her just like he forgave the sinful woman spoken of in Luke 7. Jesus is definitely the example to follow.


During our talk, Sarah’s smile faded. She could no longer hide the pain and sadness in her eyes. She would try hiding it with her smile, but pain was so evident. We left her that evening confused I believe. I definitely believe a seed was planted.


The next night I went back to see Sarah. This time Liz and Khema (our host) joined. Guys stayed back as we felt Sarah would feel more comfortable if they were not there. Khema would do the translating so that Sarah could understand better what we had to share. As we arrived I searched through all the women for Sarah. She stood up to meet us, but this time her smile was not there. Her pain hit me and I knew she was hurting. Not physically but emotionally. Being that I have the special gift of feeling other people’s emotions, I strongly felt hers. I was happy God had given us the opportunity to go back. She continued to show us to our seat. She brought out the game of Jengha and of course my water. I was praying inside me asking God what was it He wanted us to share. GOD HAD OTHER PLANS.


I felt as if Khema should talk to her and as the leader she is, that she could provide that safe place for her to open up and provide the support. As I was praying into this and was about to share, Khema began talking to Sarah.  YUP! God’s plan.  Liz and I pretty much just played Jengha and were there as prayer warriors. Every so often we would pray for freedom, peace, confidence, strong relationships, ties to be broken, and so much more. Even though I did not understand what the two women were saying, I knew the Holy Spirit was there backing us up. The Lord’s presence was so strong and evident.


Before we left, Sarah’s smile was back. This time it was a genuine smile. She felt loved and heard. She proceeded to tell us she did not have any friends and was happy to be our friends. She felt comfortable talking to us. She made this wonderful friendship with Khema and I pray will continue. Now she has someone she can lean on and not just any friend, but a Godly woman. Now she has a prayer warrior. Someone she can talk to when she is feeling down. Someone who will not judge her for what she is but stand by her side. Khema is the person Sarah and the women she meets need. I know God will use Khema in mighty ways.not only did God minister to Sarah, but to all of us there.


Before heading back to Kampong Thom, the team had a chance to visit Sarah’s home. She had invited us in. This is only God we can give credit too. Just in the weekend we could see God’s hand moving in her. She thought she was inviting us in, but it was Jesus. He provides the peace, love, and comfort. During the time at her house the team had the opportunity to pray for her mom who has not been feeling well and has been having stomach issues. We know God can heal her.The presence of the Lord was evident and I left in peace knowing change is coming. No I do not really know, but I trust God to move in MIGHTY ways.


Though we may not see the results as we move on to the next place, I know God will be working in Sarah and her family. I pray change will happen and that she can be an example to the other women. I pray theses chains and connecting ties are broken from the future generations. That God will be present in their lives and whatever Satan may try to do,  that it will be stopped in Jesus name.


It was not until all this happened that I realized that this is why Satan was putting so many obstacles in our way. He did not want to be exposed and if he can keep people drowning in their sin he will do everything possible to keep them down. Enough about him.


I will give HONOR and GLORY to our GOD.


Like I said previously, this was not a coincidence. I thought I was going to the beach to rest, but God had other plans. This is something in which I get filled spiritually and if I were to choose an adventure day or doing the work God set us to do, then I choose Him. There is nothing which gives me greater joy than seeing God move. Even if this requires me being vulnerable. No I am not perfect, but I want to strive to be like Jesus. I am not on vacation, but here to serve the Lord. Having an adventure, seeing the world, experiencing new things are great and a privilege from God. But my joy comes in seeing others smile and giving them hope that there is a God who loves them. That no matter the situation they are in, they are valuable.


Let me tell you being here is not easy, but I rely on the Lord and he assures me that I can do anything. In my times where I am in my worst moments and in the funkiest moods, God is still with me. He has told me that I do not have to be strong all the time and that he will fight for me. With this I tell you, do not stay down in the slumps. Reach out to our father, our helper. He is the only one who can give you strength. He created you the way you are and you are his masterpiece. He wants the best for us, but in order for us to get it, we have to push through the hard times. Do not give up. Continue strong and let God take control.


I don’t call myself holy, but a daughter of the most high. Even in my lowest places He has been there and has pulled me out. He can do the same for you. He wants to take your sorrows and your pain and replace with JOY. As hard as it may seem, trust HIM and know it will get better.


Cambodia will always be in my heart. Experiencing new things were great, but seeing God move in mighty ways and serving him has been the best.