Q: What has been your best memory so far on your journey, and why?

A: August 12th 4am I was in Romania and when to be outside under the stars because it was so hot, and God changed my life in an instant! Felt His super natural love like never before, broke the lies that I have battled with my whole life. Now I can say with confidence and with no lies, that my Father loves me!!

              With people though I would have to say either my hike to Machu Picchu (never do it again but was a great memory) or the times around the dinner table, love good conversation!


Q: Would You do it all over again?

              A: I would never take this experience back but I don’t think I would do it again… yes I’ve seen a lot of growth through all the change but it’s a lot of change for someone that doesn’t do very well with change. But of course, if God called me to more than heck ya!


Q: What have you learned about yourself through the process?

              A: I have learned that I am more of a fighter than I thought, I’ve always been a fighter with sports and stuff but with my mind I had let the lies overtake me, and through this process I have learned and continuing to learn how to fight the battle for my mind, and how to fight for my relationship with Jesus.


Q: How has world race effected your walk with God?

              A: Well for one it gave me space to just be with Jesus and I think that is such a beautiful thing! That time I was able to take away with God changed my life, so it has helped me grow deeper and more intimate with my Father which is awesome!


Q: Paper or Plastic…?

              A: paper! Burns better when people burn their garbage in their backyards every day.


Q: What was the hardest thing to do adjusting to a country’s culture?

              A: I think Thailand has been the hardest with the prostitution. You hear about it but until you see the girls in uniform sitting on plastic stools it doesn’t get more real than that. All I could do was pray for them and pray for the men that are trapped in that sin. God loves both the same.


Q: Has anything been surprising to you so far about growing in your faith?

              A: How simple it is, don’t get me wrong its super challenging and hard but it all comes down to love. That blows my mind that every answer you could ever need points back to love, not worldly love but God’s love! The struggle is hard but the answer is simple, love.


Q: How has your world view changed?

              A: I have been in countries where there is wealth and I have been in countries that barely have anything, they all struggle with the same thing in trying to find love, but there is a simple joy that comes from the people that have nothing. It’s hard to explain, but you can just tell in their smiles. I think technology does way more masking than people realize, there is a disconnect that isn’t only from the problems but also from simple joy. What is so sad is people would rather pay for a cell phone than food, and that’s just the way culture as become around the world. It’s crazy how much America is looked up to and I don’t think people realize how much of an impact we make on the world.


Q: What scares you the most about coming back to America?

              A: Community. I have my family which is great but I’ve never been surrounded by people my age so passionate about the Lord in such constant community like this before. I have people back in America but they are all in different time zones and that is really hard. I want to plant roots and invest in peoples lives on the daily, but I also want to be invest in by my peers and challenged.


Q: Are you continuing your evangelizing when you return home?

              A: I don’t know if I would call it evangelizing but if I can point every conversation back to Jesus I will. I have a lot to say and a lot of freedom that I want to share, so I will tell people all about it when I get the chance.

God has some big things in store for me, and has given me some big passions! I will share when the time is right ??


Q: Best and worst food you’ve had?

              A: Colombia we went to this rehab place, and they wanted to serve us lunch… it was the hardest food I have had to eat. I was what we called fish spam, in a patty form, kind of looked like a McDonalds hashbrown but fish. And the rest was something else. While we were eating the guy that served us watched over us like hawks so we had to put a good face on, thankfully Luis my teammate at the time at the rest of my fish for me! So much love right there!

              The best is a hard one, Bosnia had some good food! The Pad Thai here in Thailand is pretty legit! And in the market this lady has potatoes spiraled on a stick, she puts this seasoning on it! Man, its good!! In Ghana there was this ice cream in a bag, Fanice, that was just vanilla but tasted like birthday cake! BOMB! The food we had in Cote d’Ivoire village was good but I don’t know how I would describe it to you, it was called futu I think, it was served with some kind of red sauce. Was good!