Hello Everyone!

Welcome to my new blog! My name is Daniel McNair and I am a 23-year-old senior Innovation and Entrepreneurship major, graduating in May from the University of Central Arkansas. I have always lived in Conway, AR.

Here’s a little bit about me:

I love playing most any sport–basketball, ultimate frisbee, flag football 

I have quite a large family–I’m #6 of 11 kids

I love to travel and experience new cultures


I have known about the World Race for a long time and always thought it was a really cool idea, but that’s all it was to me–an idea. I never thought it was something I could see myself committing to, and to be honest, I believe it was just me not wanting to fully trust Jesus with 11 months of my life.

Early last summer I started reading the book Not a Fan by Kyle Idleman. In the book, Kyle shows how many people claim to be followers of Jesus but are really just fans of Him. I got convicted that I was not living my life as a completely committed follower of Jesus Christ. Through this book God changed my perspective on what it means to follow Jesus with every part of my life. Last semester I was reminded of the World Race and immediately I knew that God was calling me to go. I’m really excited about this new chapter of my life and I can’t wait to share it with you!

Please keep me in your prayers, and if you have any questions feel free to reach out.