We are going on The World Race! This is an 11 month mission trip to 11 different countries! This means we will leave our jobs and everything we know behind for almost a year.

We made the decision to answer the call to missions in July 2014. The beginning of 2014 was not the easiest for us. My job(Mallory, the reason we moved) was beginning to change. I went from liking my job to dreading going most days.We both were not loving our new home. So we decided to start looking for me a new job in bigger cities, hopefully closer to family. But the career field I’m in is over flooded and finding a full time job is next to impossible. I began searching in February for a new job. Months of sending in resumes and a few phone interviews but nothing happened. We were both frustrated and upset that nothing was changing. Then God showed us that we were making it all about us. What we would want to do. Where we would like to live. Not what God’s will and plan was for us at this moment. We then began praying that God show us where and what he wanted us to do and that we would be willing to go. We immediately felt like we were being called to do something in the mission field. We heard about the world race from a friend. We both loved the idea of the race but didn’t see how that could be something for us. One weekend in July we were heading to Tuscumbia to visit family and Daniel’s truck broke down and we had to have it towed. The next weekend when we were able to visit the Schad’s (missionaries in Canada) were in at our home church speaking. We knew then that God was calling us to do something in the mission field and surrendered to it. We looked at many different mission opportunities, but we kept revisiting the idea of the world race. We finally submitted an application in October and then found out we were accepted at the end of November.

We will be leaving in September. The countries we will be going to are: Moldova, Romania, Kosovo, Albania, Mozambique, Swaziland, South Africa, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. Ministry in each country could vary from day to day. We will be partnering with local organizations and churches. We could be doing construction, working in orphanages, working with victims of human trafficking, teaching English, and sharing God’s word and love. This trip will be full funded by donations and fundraising.

We will need to raise $32,514. This money will cover all of our field expenses for the 11 months as well as our health insurance while over seas. We would greatly appreciate any donations given to us for our journey. But most of all we ask for your prayers. We will keep you updated on fundraisers that we will have.