But God has combined the members of the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.

(1 Corinthians 12:24-27)

As we continue on the race it’s inevitable that we will all start falling into our gifts. I’d like to go through everyone on my team and try to depict some of their gifts and crystallize their strengths. The amazing thing is that people’s gifts are diverse enough that we can do a lot as a team well that we wouldn’t be able to do well if everyone on our team was like me. At the same time, we all are willing to invest in pretty much any kind of ministry. Meet my Church…

Chief Financial Officer and Detail Extraordinare

If our Team was classified as ADD, Jackie would be our riddelin. Jackie is a huge stabilizer in our team full of otters. When we’re off track, she brings us back. It quite an amazing thing. She also has the enormously large and crappy job of doing all the team finances. If anyone else had been given this job, I’m pretty sure all our support money would be going to a new message chair, or bass fishing tapes. Instead, we are still alive and on budget. Though she must play a serious role on our team sometimes she is also able to laugh at herself… a lot. It’s a cool thing to see when she gets going.


President of Hospitality and Motherly Duties

Colleen is incredible. She’s the type of person that every team needs, but most teams never have. You know you have something special on your team when you have a person who has a passion for doing dishes (her words, not mine), who will never forget to include a little note in your sack lunch, and who will laugh at you so hard sometimes you think shes having a stroke. I haven’t met many people in my life with a bigger heart than Colleen. She actually loves to take care of people, and serve people. Weird isn’t it? She makes you feel like you been friends for years when you’ve known her for ten minutes. I’m not really surprised that she has 273 friends on facebook. Colleen takes care of the people who are serving us. She will organize times that we can return the blessing that our hosts have been to us by getting our team together to cook them dinner, or to help them with whatever else they need.

Spiritual Dominator and Developer

Kyle is at an incredible place in his life. It’s one of those places that most Christians wish they could stay in forever. He’s seeking God. But it’s more than just seeking. The dude is thirsting. He’s welcoming challenges that shape character if life and embracing them when they come. It’s really amazing to be around. Kyle will lead the team in matter of praying over people, exhorting, and teaching messages. Every time he has an opportunity to lay down some Jesus on someone Kyle is poised and ready. God has laid plenty on his mind and heart to be incredibly apt for this role.

I’ve been told that I don’t write enough blogs so the other three will have to wait so it will at least seem like I’m writing more. There are three more coming soon.