Forgiveness is something the Lord has been teaching me over the last few months.

He has dug up past relationships and brought up a lot of pain that I’ve chosen to ignore and forget about over the years.

He has asked me to forgive people who have taken pieces of me I didn’t think I would get back. My confidence. My view of men. My trust in relationships. My worth.

So I decided to write them letters. Thanking them for the good and bad times. Pointing out how they each hurt me in different ways and how it has affected how I live life.

I came to the same conclusion as I wrote to each person and said out loud that I forgive them. Jesus has already put back the pieces that they took. He has given me worth and purpose. He has given me a love beyond words. He will never leave my side no matter how messy my life gets. I have confidence in HIM. He is changing my view and trust with men. It’s all apart of this transformation that started years ago. So hallelujah, thank you Jesus for gently healing me over the years, I’m sorry it has taken me so long to notice. Thank you for the redemption that only YOU can bring.

Forgiveness is something in life you have to do more than you want to but it’s worth it if you really want to move past it.