Proverbs 3:5, Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.

Heres some stuff that I have been learning:

Being obedient….. its not easy. It’s not always easy being a Christian. We all have times of doubt and anger, we get tired and restless. We are human. Society is SO false when they say that Christians are these perfect people that have everything together but we don’t. Also we don’t get things easier because we are Christian but we have the lord to lean on in the hard times, and someone constantly fighting our battles for us because he loves us so much. If you are always 100% content and things seem easy, you need to ask yourself if you are growing in your relationship with the Lord or being stagnant. It’s good to be comfortable sometimes but after a while you need to let go and let God take you to the uncomfortable stages, where you are compelled to lean in and REALLY trust him. Thats where I’ve learned I grow the most. Being uncomfortable can be terrifying because you aren’t used to your surroundings, you don’t have a plan or any real knowledge of what’s going to happen, so you have to be obedient to God and let his word be what you trust in. So I am a planner and I love when things go my way (who doesn’t) and also I’m a little stubborn and hard headed I like to be in control, but that’s something I have had to give up. Frankly I was feeling a little bit uneasy with my route and my team. I was a little jealous of all the other teams and how they all have group chats and how they seem to be best friends already. My team didn’t have a group chat and I hadn’t really talked to any of them yet. The biggest thing I struggled with was how much I really wanted to go back to Guatemala. I loved it there. I know people there, it’s familiar and comfortable. It was a desire I had but not what the Lord was calling me to. There was a moment when I seriously debated switching my route to somewhere that had Guate in it. So I decided to take it to prayer instead of letting my hardheadedness and want for comfortability get in the way. I asked God to help me want to stay on my route and to build relationships with the girls on my team. I laid down my wants to him and opened up about how I felt instead of trying to figure it out on my own. I realized that I needed to be obedient and trust that his plan is something much more detailed and it is written out perfectly for me. I didn’t need to worry about anything. So I reached out to a couple girls on my team and asked them to FaceTime and we did (it was GREAT). We made an instagram group chat where we all started talking and opening up with each other. They are SO kind and so genuine. I was worried for no reason and I had so much peace and reassurance.  Then I got an email from World Race and it said route change….  This summer I told my mom and one of her best friends about how I have always wanted to go to Peru and we seriously made plans that when I got back from the race next summer we could go visit. Yeah well long story short my route got changed and they added PERU to our race. Are you k i d d i n g me. If I had done what I wanted and switched my route I would have immediately regretted it. Gods plan IS so much better and bigger than our own. Even if they didn’t add Peru I would have been completely okay but God knows our hearts and constantly goes above and beyond expectations. I just wanted to say that I have doubts and I’m sure you do too but the love that God has for us is double the size of our doubts. Don’t ever stop believing that because the best is yet to come!

The verse of the day just popped up on my phone and its Matthew 7:7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” I thought I would add it because it fits pretty well if you ask me!

Also don’t be afraid to talk about your doubts, if you need someone to talk to about it with i’m always down to listen! 

Thanks for reading :’)