I thank God every day for the support and encouragement I constantly receive in regards to my growth and the path that has been set in front of me.

And yet I still often feel doubt and discouragement. I’m glad for the hope I have in Christ, even as I feel beat down by the most ragged of waves and the strength that He gives me when I feel lost and all alone.


1 Peter 1:7

“These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.”


And when I look ahead at the daunting amount to fundraise in front of me, it’s easy to sway with the boat and despair. But I will always remember my firm foundation, the God that steadies me with His compassion, grace and mercy. Among other things – attacks on all fronts – I know in my heart of hearts that God will provide for this journey. I just have to remind myself, even if I have to do it a hundred times on some days.

So ! I wanted to share a few deadlines and remind everyone that every single prayer is heard and every single dollar counts.

  1. Deadline 1 – 9/25/15 – $4,500. 
  2. Deadline 2 – 12/18/15 – $10,500
  3. Deadline 3 – 2/29/16 – $14,000
  4. Deadline 4 – 4/30/16 – $17,562

These are the total amounts that have to be in my account on the dates aforementioned. Simply click on the “Support Me” box on the upper right hand corner of this page to donate ! You can also purchase one of my original shirt designs and a portion of the cost will go toward my journey – check them out at http://coachsassistant.gtmsportswear.com/lifegroups.

I want you to be part of this journey – because we have been chosen and redeemed, free from guilt and shame ! I want to pray with you, pour into you and share with you everything on my heart. I want to hear your story and how God is moving in your life.

My prayer for you today is to be bold in stepping out for our God. That we would feel empowered as ambassadors of Christ to take the next leap in the journey and reach out with all of our hearts and bodies and minds and souls to reach the unreached and show love to the broken and the lost. I pray that even as the winds of the storm take our breath away, we choose to fight just a moment longer and remember our Father who has given us the birds and the breeze, the grass and the trees, music for our ears and a shoulder for our tears. I pray that you would feel His love surround you and that you would know with your heart that in His arms is exactly where you belong.

-it’s in Your name I pray-