What comes to mind when you think of a table? A piece of furniture? Your favorite meal? A specific experience? Family, work, disappointment, all of these things, or maybe even none of these things? 

For me, when I think of “The Table,” positive experiences come to mind. For that I am grateful. 

Growing up, family dinners around the kitchen table were a norm, and yet, holiday gatherings around the dining room table were even better. 

At school, the lunch table was a place of laughter, dares, swapping snacks, and precious time away from the oh so strenuous workload of a school day (what I wouldn’t give for my biggest problem now to be an algebra one am I right?). 

Bible college was similar, just in a cafeteria and I was usually wearing a suit lol. 

I think however, some of my favorite table experiences are the random ones. Like a spontaneous lunch in a park, or using the back seat of a car in the desert of California. The random Gaul family vacation dinner finds, or the various middle of nowhere cafes along the Camino de Santiago in Spain. 

As I’m writing this I’m literally wishing I had a “Table Journal.” Maybe it’s something I should look into. 

Point being, time around the table is special and significant. However, I have also had some not-so-positive table experiences in my life as well.

I’ve said the words, “Table for one.” To more than one waitress. I’ve sat alone in my apartment at a table that could literally only fit one. There has been more than one table to catch my tears, and I’m inclined to think there was a table on the other end of the phone collecting her tears too. I’ve received life shattering news around a table, and I don’t think I could count the times I buried my head in my arms and my arms across the table trying to make sense of all the things in life that simply don’t make sense. 

Highs and lows, ups and downs, day and night, and The Table there through it all. 


Last month in Guatemala I joined team Fresh Fire for a month of worship ministry just outside Antigua. Our housing set up was quaint. We had a kitchen space, two rooms, an interesting bathroom (another story for another time), and then a small living space with, you guessed it, a Table. 

We spent so much time around that table. 


The Table became such a huge part of our life that it made me reflect on other, significant “table” moments in my life these past few years. 


When I started my World Race journey, Ashley Francis (my mentor) had our squad (N Squad) sit down with her at a simple, plastic table in the training center at Adventures’ campus and agree to carry out the vision and guidelines of the World Race program. 

Many people call this agreement, “The Covenant” or “The Contract” but when I think back, I hardly remember the piece of paper listing the rules. I remember The Table.

It represents the moment I looked my spiritual authority in the eye and said, “Yes.” Well, you know me, I didn’t just say yes I had to try and be funny / dramatic but again, another story for another time.

It was a big moment for me and my squad. It was where the rubber met the road. Where we officially said yes to each other. Sound familiar? That’s because it’s basically what Jesus did with His disciples when He broke the bread and handed them the cup. He was giving His yes to them and asking for their yes in return. Maybe that’s why I love it when people call Communion The Lord’s Table. 

Speaking of Communion, it was on the World Race that my concept of Communion was challenged. My entire experience growing up Communion was a small little cup of juice and a crumb of bread to remember Jesus’ immense sacrifice… wild. 

Now, when I take communion, it is a BIG cup and a MASSIVE chunk of bread! Why? Because abundance. Jesus’ Table is one of ABUNDANCE! 

Though it’s hard to beat Communion memories on the World Race, I do have to say, bringing this Communion style home and sharing it with my family and close friends during the pandemic are some of my most cherished moments of this past year. It just hits different when you take the bread and the cup in your own home around your own table. 

To take it a step further, and possibly reveal something I have not yet shared publicly on social media, I want to talk about “The Stone Table.”

It’s from C.S. Lewis’ The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Specifically chapter 15 where everyone thought Aslan had died, only to be stunned when he defeated death, broke the stone table used to bind him, and rose to claim his victory over the Witch. 


For me, this is a story of freedom, love, worth, and obviously of the cross – but from the point of view of The Table. This is why I decided to make that table – The Stone Table – my first tattoo back in 2018. It’s located above my heart reminding me that I can sit at The Heavenly Table with my Father because the table of sin has been broken once and for all by Jesus victory.

Narnia man. It hits different!

Finally, as I reflect on The Table and think of what it means to me, I would be amiss if I failed to mention this current season of life. 

I referenced The Table with Fresh Fire, but that isn’t the only team I have shared a table with, nor is it the only table I have incredible memories from. There have been many tables with my current squad (H Squad). Many meals, laughs, discussions, movies, snacks, card games, team times, and so much more around these tables. But the best part is the individuals I get stop share these tables with. 


When I began my World Race journey I truly didn’t think I’d be in the “race world” for this long. I didn’t think I’d really get to know one squad, let alone 3!

Coming to The Table day in and day out with others is hard. Some days you feel so at home while others, well, not so much. Sometimes when you’re sitting with new people on the mission field all you can think about are those in your life you’ve left behind to be there. 

There are days you appreciate the absolute wonder of The Table, yet there are days you wonder when you get to leave that table for good. 

I have experienced the beauty and pain of The Table and there is nothing quite like it. 

I am so appreciative of H Squad. They have welcomed me to The Table and what a sweet table it is! This season of squad leading has challenged me in a lot of ways. It has taken the words I’ve said and required them to be more than words – to be actions. It has caused me to consider the man / the leader I want to be for the rest of my life, and has asked if I am brave enough to walk it out. It has been another 6 months of living away from my incredible family and lifelong friends to pour into the lives of brand new people I didn’t know last summer.

This season has required a lot of me, and yet, I wouldn’t trade it. Because at the end of the day there is nothing like sitting down at The Table with the Bride of Christ and celebrating together like we’re already at the wedding feast.

Heaven on Earth. 


You know what’s funny? I took a break while writing this blog to eat breakfast at the hotel. 

Guess what I saw? 

My community. 

My family. 

H Squad. 

Seated around THE TABLE. 

And there’s no place I’d rather be.