Hi. Nice to meet you. My name is Connor, and later this year I will embark on what will undoubtedly be the greatest adventure of my life… The World Race! But you probably already know that so here are 10 additional facts about my life you might find interesting…


1. The greatest day of my life happened back when I was twelve years old. The day I asked Jesus to forgive me of my sin, become my Savior, and change my life forever. He did, and I have never been the same!

2. I was born in Plattsburgh, NY but grew up in the birthplace of Fred Rogers, Arnold Palmer, and the banana split! Anyone know where that is?

3. I have the greatest family in the world. We adventure together, laugh together, pray together, and fight together. I have a mom, dad, a younger sister, and a younger brother (I’m the oldest… and the favorite… jk). 

4. In 2011 I was the valedictorian of my graduating class… I was the only one who graduated that year but hey, I still get to put “valedictorian” on my resume right?

5. Mission work has been close to my heart since my early teen years. I went on my first missions trip when I was sixteen years old. My mom was helping a small group of doctors administer medical and spiritual aid to the people of Haiti and brought me along as the youngest member of the team. That trip changed my life forever. So much so that in 2015, I completed four years of study at a Bible college where missions was the focus of my education.

6. I’ve had quite a few “odd” jobs growing up. The oddest was the time I was hired by a farmer to hunt and kill the gophers that were destroying his crops. I became known as the gopher assassin (also on my resume). Gophers beware! 

7. I’m honestly a huge Harry Potter fan. 10 points if you can guess which house I’m in 😉

8. I guess you’d call me an extroverted introvert. I love people but also cherish quiet time. 

9. Recently I’ve fallen in love with making videos and posting them to the YouTube. Feel free to check out my channel (youtube.com/connorgaul). #shamelessplug 

10. Finally, number ten. Last but not least. Arguably the strangest fact about me. Are you ready? Here it is… I eat my cereal dry. Without milk. And yes, I enjoy it that way… even if it does make my mouth bleed! 


Well, there you go! I hope you enjoyed getting to know me a little bit. I certainly look forward to connecting with and getting better acquainted with you as we embark on this journey together. Please feel welcome to comment below and be sure to visit this blog again for trip updates and other cool stuff lol.

