Month 5. What. A. Month.

Our ministry was working for Actsco. They give out free literature, Sunday school material and bibles to who ever wants/needs them. Our team (Atlas) was tasked with sorting through 4 shipping containers (40 feet long) packed full of the Lords word.

I’m not going to lie. At first I was not too excited to be in the middle of nowhere moving thousands of boxes, taping and stacking, day after day.

Then on the second day of ministry the Lord spoke right to my heart.

A little background on my love for reading. I don’t have a love for reading… the last book I finished was probably Of Mice and Men back in my sophomore year of high school. I know. That’s pretty sad. I am just not a reader.

I came on this trip because I have a love for serving others and I want to grow closer in my relationship with the Lord. There are a lot more reasons but those are two big ones.

As I was carrying a box I began to feel convicted. I had just seen a video of children in Myanmar and China receiving these types of boxes filled with bibles. The children were brought to tears and filled with joy to have the opportunity to learn all of what God has to offer through reading the Bible. Also, to have a Bible they could call their own and hold/protect it like it is a new IPhone X.

That is when God put the desire/passion/love for reading on my heart. Realizing that one of the most important ways to grow in your faith is through scripture. Realizing that I had everything I needed to grow right there in front of me. And I wouldn’t take it.

There are people all around the world praying and hoping to one day have the chance to get their hands on a Bible.

It is time to put all the thoughts of “you are a slow reader” and “it will take you weeks to finish that book” away.

It is time to pick up the exceptional literature out there in the world and read.