The air is crisp, the sky is a crazy shade of blue, the lush green trees seem to invite you under their shade to escape the heat of the African sun. There is something so peaceful about being here in “the bush” of Zimbabwe. Life is simple. We cook by fire, we battle the surplus of mosquitos, we sing and pray together, we study the Bible together, it has been a beautiful five days here.

In these five days we have been traveling hut to hut and sharing the love of Jesus with people, often needing a translator since most don’t speak English. We praise Jesus for people who speak both English and Tonga. Since we began evangelizing here there is a question we ask and frequently get the same answer.

“Do you have a Bible?”


In an area where most people don’t have eletricity, where running water is miles away and whatever income they earn goes to meet their basic needs, $15 to purchase a Bible seems like a fortune. On top of that, the city where they could be purchased is nearly 6 hours away by car and nobody here owns cars. It’s either walking or taking the bus.

So with this understanding you can see that the need is HUGE.

We have led many people to Christ this month, we have prayed healing, we have cast out demons, we have prophesied, and we have encouraged our Zimbabwe brothers and sisters that they can do the same! The same Holy Spirit in us is in them!

And that same Holy Spirit has given us a stirring in our hearts to ask for your help.

We, team overflow desire to supply the people of Binga with the written word of God in their own language.

Each Bible will cost around $15.

We have a goal to purchase at least 50 Bibles.

That is $750.

If you feel a pull on your heart to contribute to this cause, please DO NOT CONTRIBUTE HERE. (We don’t have access to funds donated to AIM for these projects)

Donate through PayPal with the e-mail:
[email protected]


through this web address:

Thank you for investing in these beautiful people’s lives.

“…From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” Luke 12:48