Okay, so I just wrote/copied and pasted this blog not that long ago. But apparently the World Race staff just added a nifty new liitle link to the left side that says "What is the World Race?" Huh, imagine that! So if you want to check out some cool videos and read exactly what I have below, click it!
So for those of you who don't know what the World Race is yet, I thought I'd quickly put up some information. You can go to the World Race's home page, www.theworldrace.org, check out the About tab, or you can read a bunch of other World Racers' blogs. Reading other peoples' blogs is really fun because you can get a good glimpse into what this whole thing is all about and what exactly we will be doing for 11 months while we're gone from the States.
But anyway, here is some information I've copied and pasted from the World Race:
Have you ever wondered if there's something more out there? If there's more to life than empty traditions, routines, and working 9-5 everyday to achieve the impossibility of the American dream?
It's because there is.
There is a generation of radicals whose heartbeat is to see a changed world. It's a generation that's dissatisfied with the status quo and is actively rising to the challenge of seeing the world transformed through tangible expressions of God's love. World Racers are seeing lives changed in nations all over the world.
About Us:
The first World Race squads launched from Mexico in January 2006. Literally knocking on doors and sleeping on streets, it was a raw adventure of faith. While in Swaziland in 2007, the Lord told Seth Barnes to structure the World Race for a movement and to give it away to our generation.
The World Race continues to change. It is expanding overseas and in the States, yet its foundations stay the same. It is a journey to 11 countries in 11 months to serve "the least of these" while amongst real and raw community. It facilitates discipleship through the process of discovering into the abundant life He promised. It births partnerships with ministries around the world. It requires Luke 10-like faith.
We're calling you out of your comfort zone and giving you exposure to what God is doing in the world before you commit to the American dream. Because it's not about you, it's about the Kingdom.
People have all kinds of questions about the World Race. Here are a few commonly asked questions:
Q: What qualities are you looking for in World Race participants?
A: We are looking for Racers with good attitudes, limited emotional baggage, and a willingness to change. We are looking for people who are passionate about seeing God’s kingdom manifest itself in the world. While ministry and travel experience are helpful, lack thereof will not exclude you from possibly participating in the World Race.
Q: What is the application process for the World Race?
A: Applying for the World Race is not complicated nor is it a competitive process. You don't need to beat out the “next guy” or the “next girl”. We simply want to be sure the World Race will be a healthy experience full of growth for you and for the people around you.
You start right by going to the Apply page, selecting a race, clicking the Apply button. After that, you fill out a complete application online and pay your application fee. We prayerfully review all applications and if everything looks good we will call you for a telephone interview. The entire process can take less than a week!
Q: What do we actually “do” on the Race?
A: Every day on the World Race will look a little different. Some days will be packed full with construction, VBS, building relationships with orphans, or praying for the sick at a hospital. Some days could be slower where you shop for groceries at the market, cook for your team, and spend time praying for the community you walk through. Every day will be focused on being a part of God's Kingdom work, in every way that could look! Just Contact Us and we'd be happy to share our stories about life on the Race!
Q: How old do you have to be to go on the World Race?
A: You have to be between 21 and 35 years of age. If you will turn 21 in the first six months of the Race, you are eligible and can apply.
Q: Do you accept married couples?
A: Absolutely! Each person will need to apply and you will be interviewed separately, but the Race is an amazing way to experience God as a couple. However, we do require couples to be married at least 1 year before they attend Training Camp.
Q: How are Teams and Leaders organized and selected?
A: During training camp, our staff will go through a process to organize you in to teams. For each team, we will select one person to be designated the team leader. While they are a peer on the Race, we will ask them to have an extra level of responsibility with your team.
In addition, you will have squad leaders. These are alumni from the program who have been there and done that. They will travel with your squad for the first few months on the field. They will train leaders on how it all works and help you as a squad learn the ropes of world travel.
Q: When and what is Training Camp?
A: Approximately 6-8 weeks prior to your race start date, you will meet for 9 days of preparation for your trip around the world. You will be there with your team, leaders and the World Race training staff so you get to see us, we get to see you, and you get to know each other. Cross cultural ministry training, learning how to share your stories, and learning to live in close community are but a few of the topics covered. Click here for a deeper look at Training Camp.
Q: How much does it cost to participate in The World Race?
A: Each World Race will be priced separately according to the route of that Race. You can find the price of each trip by visiting the Routes Tab. When it comes to raising the money, we have staff members that will help you in the support raising process. (For more information, Support Raising 101.) We only require a portion of the money to be raised before you leave; the rest can be raised while you are on the field. When God calls, He provides.
Q: What is covered in this cost?
A: The funds that you raise cover all team costs once the trip begins. This includes: food, lodging, and air, land & sea travel. It also covers administrative, setup, coaching, debrief, and training costs prior to and at the start of the Race.
It does not include: personal spending money, travel to the training, travel to the start point, return travel home from a major U.S. city at the conclusion of the Race, medical insurance [required], and vaccinations. With the exception of personal spending money, you are permitted to raise additional funds to cover these costs and may be reimbursed from the excess support you raise.
Q: Is the World Race affiliated with any particular denomination or organization?
A; The World Race is a program of the inter-denominational organization Adventures in Missions (AIM). AIM is a reputable missions organization that has been around since 1989, sending people from different churches and backgrounds all over the world on life-changing mission trips. For more about AIM, visit Adventures.org.