We went to a funeral yesterday. . . Who would have known that God would use this setting to open our eyes to His Kingdom? Our Creator works in mysterious ways!

I, personally, didn't know this wonderful woman well. I am somewhat glad for this, without any disrespect to her family. The reason I say this is because God allowed me to experience what a funeral is really about without all of the emotions that get in the way. I sat and listened as many people talked about how loving, hospitable, generous, and funny this fellow sister in Christ was. When we walked into that funeral chapel at 11:00, I didn't know who she was, but by the time we left, I felt that we were old friends. I appreciate her heart after our Father's.

One thing that this funeral taught me is that it is ok to cry after losing a loved one. Even Christ cried at the tomb of Lazarus. In John 11:35-36, it says that Jesus wept for Lazarus and the Jews said "See how he loved him!" Jesus knew that he was going to raise his friend from the dead, so why did he cry when he learned that Lazarus had died? I believe that it is because Jesus knew that death is a result of sin. . . sin that his Father was preparing him to die for, so that Lazarus and anyone else who believed on him would be saved. When we cry at funerals for our lost loved ones, this is the result of sin that has been passed down through generations, beginning with the original sin Adam and Eve committed. We weep because someone has been taken away from us. . . but we need to remember that they were never "ours" to begin with. . . they have always been and will continue to be our Heavenly Father's! And He has a plan for us after death! Remember, He sent His only Son to die a shameful death and bear the sins of the saints, so that they will be reunited with their Creator in Heaven when their time in this world is over. How great is our God!! So, remember that it is ok to cry for a lost loved one, but rejoice in knowing that if they were a brother or sister in Christ, they are rejoicing at the feet of our almighty, loving Creator! 

One thing that I appreciated about this woman's family is that, in lieu of flowers, they asked that donations be given to a sight and hearing foundation or to the Gideons so that Bibles could be distributed around the world. What a more awesome way to honor the life of a child of God than to distribute His Word in remembrance of them!

I have officially decided that I want a worship service to happen at my funeral!  I know there will be tears of sorrow, but I want there to be tears of joy at my being taken to Heaven to live for eternity in the presence of my Redeemer! I want these tears of joy to drown the tears of sorrow! Two songs that MUST be sung or played at my funeral are "I Can Only Imagine" and "Not to Us". . . rather, "not to me". Not to me, but to Your Name be the glory!!



Your sister in Christ,