The Joy of the Lord!


The voices of the children in India still echo in my heart.
  We left India with our hearts overflowing with joy and in awe of God.
  Tears rolled down our cheeks as the children pleaded for us to stay longer and the only comfort we could give them was that we will always remember them.

Our last morning at the orphanage was a celebration; the terrible heat wave was broken with the burst of a cloud.
  Large raindrops plummeted to the ground and we all ran outside to play and soak up the rain that brought much relief.
  Within a few minuets the playing field was a mud bath and we had great fun.
  We were all energized by the storm and our strength was renewed.

The orphanage in India was a great experience and a humbling process.
  Have you ever seen a 4 year old boy stand up in front of 80 people and give his testimony?

Psalm 8:2

From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise…

In the eyes of the world these children are poor but they are so rich!
  They have lost everything in life but they have gained so much more, their lives are devoted to Christ and they are willing to die for Him.
  How can you walk away from these children without having a life changing experience.