I am about to head into month 6 of this season of my life where God has opened the door to one of my callings! Coming on this World Race journey, leaving my family and friends, my job, and getting rid of most of my belongings besides a bag of clothes and a suitcase of some valuables, memories etc- to live out of a backpack for a year- has been quite the wild ride so far! This journey has been flying by so fast, Its still sometimes hard to believe that  this is the life that God has called me to live! We are all called to different things and to know what God has called me to is such a sweet, sweet thing! I am loving traveling, and not just traveling BUT Traveling with a purpose, and that purpose is to share the love of God with everyone I meet!


       Yes, this journey has the title of the World Race- but this journey is not just a part of my life, this is my life! The thing called ministry that we do is not something that is just on the schedule-it is a part of everyday life! This is something that to be honest I have learned since starting this part of my season in life! Many of the people that have hosted myself and the teams that I have been on have been such a blessing to my life and my time in the countries that I have had the honor to go and share the love of God with so far! One of the things that a few of the hosts I have had and gotten to know here in Africa have really drilled (in a very positive, empowering way) into my mind and the minds of my fellow squadmates is that we are NOT ON A MISSION TRIP, the World Race is NOT A MISSION TRIP. We are living life, and the only major difference is that we are not in the United States – and of course all of the other little details that make life different when you aren’t “home”


       This is my life, all the sweat, dirt, laughter, tears, frustration, conversation, mosquito bites, community, growth, learning, illness, challenges and all of the things that make up the great big puzzle of this season of life that I am in. Ministry, it is something that was a part of my life before I left the beautiful island of Maui that I called home and it is a part of my life now as I travel to a new place to call home every month! Life is ministry and ministry is life! From having coffee or lunch with a friend and talking to other people or the waitress taking my order to walking around the village and waving to everyone we see and sharing smiles, hi-fives and hugs. I am so very thankful for this life that I am able to live, and I am blessed to be able to share this life with with amazing people all around the world!


*Please be on the lookout for photos, videos and vlogs!*