Aloha! Some of you that are reading this may know me and some may not- so this  initial blog post for the World Race is to tell you just a little about me! My name is Cimone, I am 32 years old but I look like I am 18 or in my 20’s. I live in Maui Hawaii but I am from California- & like the title of this blog states, my name is spelled with a C! Often times mistaken for a S like at Starbucks, they often time write it on my beverage cup with a S. Except for that one time where one of the baristas asked me how my name is spelled- its the little things like that- that keep me coming to get some of my favorite beverages and spending some of my hard earned money there. I LOVE coffee and the yummy drinks Starbucks serves BUT I wouldn’t keep going there if the service was poor! Its kind of like our walks with God and sharing his love with others. If we are not loving while we are living, helping while we may be hurting, encouraging even when we need encouragement then those in our life, especially those that we encounter that don’t know Jesus yet will want to say peace out and not want to hear what we have to say! 

I love JESUS, people, cultures and traveling! I love helping whoever I can, whenever I possibly can! I love kids and their unending joy and truth especially when it comes to their emotions and how they are feeling- I love to teach them, guide them and watch them grow! I do not have my own kids yet but I have many kids that I am “Aunty Cimone” to because here in Hawaii we are all an aunty or uncle to all the keiki here and love it. I am blessed to be a part of so many kids lives! I have a big family but most of them I hardly ever see or talk too, its unfortunate- I do try to keep in touch but its not reciprocated. My mom and my younger sister who also live here in Maui are my biggest supporters and cheerleaders and I don’t know what I would do without them. I am super excited for this adventure that God has placed on my path- However, Its definetly going to be hard leaving them for the race BUT I WILL keep them close in my heart and communicate with them whenever I can! Thank God for social media! I Love church and I look forward to Sundays because my church Ohana  (family in Hawaiian) is so AMAZING!!! & I love creating something out of nothing (very creative mind here) worshipping with like minds and having the best time learning, growing, teaching, serving and all that jazz and more! & One last thing before I say Adios for now is that I am a very colorful person, Inside and Out- I love colors and I love rainbows! Rainbows are a sign of Gods promise to never flood the earth again, and they mean so much more to me than that!