Miracle : noun : a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.

       Although that may be the dictionaries definition of the word miracle, this word can mean different things for different people at different times in their lives. For me, this miracle has taken place within a relationship in my life and a very important one at that. Let me give you a bit of backstory on the story that takes place before this miracle. This miracle involves my dad~and growing up we didn’t always see eye to eye, we didn’t have the most perfect relationship and I have done and said things that if it were possible- I would rewind the time and take back some of the things I said and did. However, I know all too well that going back in time and changing things is not possible and that everything we go thru in our past leads us to where we are in our present. When I moved to Hawaii 9 years ago, I didn’t leave my dad in peace- we argued and disagreed on many levels-to be quite honest I moved to Hawaii on a whim and was running from the problems that were happening in my life at the time. It has been such a beautiful whirlwind of lessons, challenges, changes, blessings, ups, downs, tears, laughter and So much MORE!

       Throughout my time here in Hawaii, with prayer- and reaching out as I usually do~God has began to work in the midst of my relationships~ most specifically my relationship with my dad. He and I have been communicating via Facebook messages and that has been a GREAT start!

       Here is the icing on the cake, last week my dad reached out to me asking me for my address!!!! He said he has a small gift to sent to me!!! The fact that he reached out to me was a gift in itself! I responded to him with my address and I asked him if I could have his address to because I want to send him something too.


My Christmas miracle is the fact that my dad reached out to me and asked for my address and that he wants to send me something!