Well, here I am. Back in my space – the refuge I found such solace in years ago while traveling the world. This blog always felt like such a safe place to be real…to process, to vent, to learn and grow…

I doubt many of the email addresses are still valid, but if you’re out there reading this, thanks for following this wild journey over the years. Can you believe I wrote the first one about seven years ago?

Seems like yesterday that I rolled up to Training Camp with a Yukon XL packed to the hilt with bright-eyed, soon to be commissioned World Racers. We were terrified and excited. But mostly excited. 

Over the years, so much has changed. I ended up marrying that guitar playing, Johnny guy, and we had two kids. We moved to LA for a hot minute and then landed back in Knoxville much to our chagrin. We’ve tried to leave about four times, but God keeps saying He has other plans for us here, so here we are – and if we’re being honest – we really like it. Life didn’t turn out quite like what we’d dreamed up, but that’s ok. It doesn’t mean that we didn’t feel the disappointment of not moving overseas, but we’re believing that He’s got something awesome for our family. 

There’s something soothing about the familiar. For a long time I fought the familiar in search of adventure. I guess that’s the enneagram 6 wing 7 in me but I’ve learned that there’s a lot of beauty in the waiting. It’s a painful, gut-wrenching beauty if you’re not keen on waiting, but it’s beautiful all the same. 

Since the Race, I went on to start a writing business for myself and have been writing with some pretty amazing companies over the years. It’s funny though because I write every.single.day so I rarely write to process or because I want to anymore. I really need to change that, so if you’re still using your email address that you signed up with for this blog, you can expect to be getting some updates over the next couple of months. 🙂

I forgot how much I love to write. And I don’t ever want to forget that for too long again.

Bye for now.