I hiked down to a little shack and stared back at my friend, bewildered. She informed me this was the place where we could use the bathroom. I was positive she was joking. Surely that cinderblock structure arising from the pile of mud wasn’t a commode. She confirmed that indeed it was. I contemplated this for a moment and considered my options. I apologized and told her I’d rather not use it. I stepped out and started to find a spot in nature but slipped, landing squarely on my derriere. Hardly able to breathe from laughing so hard, I decided next time around, I would cut my losses and use the squatty potty.
Later that afternoon, the neighborhood kids literally came out of the cornfields to play. We painted nails and taught them duck duck goose. I played ball with a little boy named Manuel- a total baller. When he’d had enough games, he stuffed that ball into his little pocket and took off. We’re still learning the concept of sharing. I can sympathize though, I wasn’t big on sharing at three either.

Our Squad is learning Spanish so each morning after team workouts and a hearty breakfast of porridge, eggs and fruit; we work on the language barrier. It’s been fun learning phrases to help us communicate with these people who have stolen our hearts. A girl on my team told me I’m going to probably fall in love with every people we visit—I think she’s right. It’s liberating to love them so freely and have no expectation of them loving me back. It tears me up thinking about the men, hunched over, carrying food to sell in the markets as their children and wives follow in small procession behind.
It broke my heart praying for healing over a man who is lame from an accident three years ago. Seeing the hopelessness in his eyes even though he spoke healing over himself was chilling and almost numbing.
Watching my brother preach to prison inmates and watch many come forth to accept Jesus was exhilarating.
Watching another brother wash the prisoners feet sent love coursing through my veins.

We’ve spent a lot of time dissecting our lives, digging into our pasts, walking in our freedoms and fighting for the freedom of others. Our Squad is coming together in miraculously fast ways. Walls are falling down and there is a sense of love and comfortable camaraderie amongst us. We’ve created a culture of community. We eat, sleep and breathe our neighbor. If something bothers us, we hash it out. If something blesses us, we speak it. The honesty is both supernatural and foreign to many. There’s also a love and respect that goes deep that could potentially last our lifetimes. I’m still learning to live with so many people. But it’s good. It’s really good. It’s stretching and causing me to look past myself. To not be defined by what I have or what I lack. What I want or what I expect my life to be like. I’m learning grace for myself and for others. God’s grace is a sweet gift that never fades with the passing of time. It doesn’t pick and choose who to love or who to forgive. It’s unbiased. And it’s good.
PS we are far from the volcano but we appreciate your prayers and concerns!