I walked into my shack-like room with ruffled feathers, annoyed for no reason and needing some Jesus time. I plopped myself down, hit play and started listening. The preacher challenged me- He told to pray for a fresh anointing…So I did. I asked the Holy Spirit to download things to me that He wanted to tell me. I wanted more of Him and I knew there was more to be had. I took a leap, let's go, Jesus. Do your thing.

That was at the beginning of the month.

Over the past few weeks, I've become more alive than I have ever been. I've totally healed from Althea's death. There's a sweet reminder of God's goodness that crosses my mind when I think of that sweet child and I see His fingerprints in that situation on a daily basis.

I have spent many afternoons talking with Pastor Steven and his wife Jane. We've started brainstorming and dreaming about what God wants to do with this orphanage. God's hand is all over this place and the children here melt my heart. Not in that cheesy, ooey gooey silly way but more like I see the dreams in their eyes and I want to partner with the leaders here to make those dreams a reality. I want to empower them and show them that God has plans for them that are infinitely good. Sure they had a rough start at life, but that's the ceiling they stand on as they skyrocket into their destiny.

They are covered in favor- they dont have to work for it. It's free because of Jesus in them. 

I walked around last night, asking the Lord what He wants to do here when Purity about knocked me over in a full out tackle. I laughed as I grabbed her and began walking back to the house. I asked her what she dreams about and she confessed she wants to be a news anchor. Funny how I went to college for the same thing. Who knows if she'll do it or if she'll become something else but she deserves a go at it just as much as anyone.

Then there's the sleeping situation. All the boys sleep in one room and all the girls sleep in another. The mattresses are less than stellar and I think mine grew last week. It falls off the bed in a weird angle and I'm not sure how it expanded so I moved beds. Needless to say, it'd be good to help the sleeping arrangements. The kids need to have space. The older ones need room from the younger ones. Simply put big kids think differently than young childen. 

I look out over the land and see a huge need. But it doesnt overwhelm me. God, in His timing, is going to provide. I mean shoot, the dogs needed to eat so when a cow randomly keeled over the other night, the neighbor shared the carcass and the dogs ate like kings. I've never seen ribs in such a pure form.

And now I'm a vegetarian.

We've been here long enough for the personalities of each child to begin to shine through. It's precious to see each one come into their own, adding their own flair to each game we play or each song we sing. It makes me want to hug the snot out of each one. When I leave here, it wont be goodbye, it'll be see you soon. God's not finished with me in Kenya and I can't wait for what is next.

What gets your blood pumpin? What makes your heart race?

I used to sit around trying to figure out what I was supposed to do…All I got was a butt that had fallen asleep from sitting so long.

Sometimes all it takes is writing out what you love and going after it. Running full steam ahead into a dream.

You might take the jump and land in the mud, but what if you jumped and it ended up being a pool of water that you swim around in and changes your life forever?

I jumped into the Race with no idea what it even was but boy I'm glad I did. I'll never be the same. And I cant wait for the next chapter!