We ran their bags across the country border just as clocks struck 11pm.
Border Closed.
We watched as half our squad headed into Malaysia as we walked back to our transportation in Thailand. Options of sleeping on the bus or finding a hostel floated around. After a few slips in the English to Thai translation, we found out that we would be unable to continue our voyage into Penang with the buses we were currently aboard. And the minor detail that the border was closed left us with 5 hours to kill before we could begin our next adventure. Starving, tired and antsy, we called a time out to grab street food. Praise the Lord we stumbled upon McDonald’s because it blessed us to pieces and satisfied our growling stomachs. Then me, my body bag also known as an airporter and daypack began the trek through the markets to the hotel. I watched my biceps get bigger as the sweat rolled down my face and into my eyelids. My greasy hair stuck to my day old makeup and my teeth desperately craved a good ole brushing. Sleeping three deep in a queen sized bed never sounded so good.
The next morning after a few card games we crossed the lines and finally entered Malaysia. I straggled over to the welcome sign as I lost my balance and toppled over into the grass, face first, all my bags in tow. On a positive note, at least I was in the position to take a breather and the guards got a good laugh.
We are staying with Living Water and Sons & Daughters and living the dream. I have a minor obsession with roofs and not only do we have one roof, but two. And there’s a little slope on the roof that I perch on to chat with Jesus. I basically only come down to eat, run and sleep. The view of the city is amazing and the sun rise each morning is mind blowingly (yep made that up) spectacular. It’s like God is showing off His majesty. And I adore it.
It’s been completely and totally awesome and humbling to behold the glory of my God.
The first day we arrived, there was a party in the streets that lasted all night, complete with fireworks and loud music. It reminded me of the party rockin in the house tonight mentality of the Filipinos. Sleep was minimal so when I woke up I was ready for a nap.
The Malay food is rather spicy and makes our intestines do backflips but otherwise, we’ve enjoyed the anything but lean cuisine. The coffee is true to Asian standards and a mixture of 1 teaspoon coffee to 16 tablespoons of sugar. It's fasicinating to engage and immerse ourselves into each culture. Yay for ALL types of food and drinks!
We are white lights in the thick of a Muslim world so dark you don’t even realize the potential for destruction. The Bible talks about how the devil roars around like a lion searching for people to devour. As I stare out into this westernized city with its beautiful mosques, it’s bustling streets, it’s markets and appeal, you can’t help but notice the vacant stare in the eyes of its inhabitants. It’d probably be pretty easy to get caught up in the life here with its rich culture and gorgeous people but honestly it makes my guard go up even more because the battle is not against flesh and blood.
It’s against these stinkin rulers of the dark world.
There’s a reason for the oppressive air this city possesses. There’s a reason for the hopeless feeling. There’s a reason for everything but more than anything there is a reason for the smile engraved on my heart. My God is bigger, stronger and better than any principality. He’s more powerful than any other and for that I will rejoice. I will sing, clap and shout Who’s I am. God is going to do huge things in Penang. He’s going to change our lives forever and I can’t describe what an honor it is to have this front row seat. My heart is here Jesus, have Your way with me, my team and my squad. Thanks for choosing us for such a time as this to wreck havoc on a city desperate for love and undeniably grasping for the insatiable grace that our Savior bestows.

The party has only just begun.