We’re leaving America and we may cry some
We’ll hug and we’ll laugh, we’ll plan and we’ll chatter
Though none can prepare for the foreign food platter
My heart is so full as I sit here and wait
To meet up with my team and watch God be great
Our backpacks are filled and our day packs are stout
But boarding our planes there won’t be a pout
For we are so pumped to love people and to share
The good news of Jesus and show others we care
Guatemala is the very first stop of many
There’ll be children to play with and ministry a plenty
Our God is before us, paving our way
We’ll be the Hands and the Feet; shining like rays
Because Jesus is in us and we'll spread the joy
Of knowing our Savior- yep He’s our homeboy

Love us, miss us, but we’ll see you real soon
Just dont forget we’re not going to the moon
Yes Asia and Africa to name a few
If I listed them all, your eyes would say whew
Showers are optional and tenting is a must
We’re learning contentment, to love and to trust
Community will bond us together forever
L Squad will unite through this entire endeavor
Our worlds may shake and our hearts might shred
But this isn’t anything to be scared of or dread
Our Daddy will hold us and carry us through
He’s shaping us up to be totally renewed
Goodbye for now, please promise to pray
We’ll need your encouragment each and every day!