While I was spending time with the Lord on Sunday, Jan 15, 2017, He told me to fill out an application I’d received two weeks prior for leading a group of 18-22 year olds on a 3 month mission trip, called Passport. I filled out the application that morning and had an interview and was accepted to lead on Friday, Jan 20, 2017. 


I am co-leading a Passport trip to Zambia and Botswana. Our team will be in Zambia for 2 months and Botswana for 1 month. We left on Monday, Jan 23, 2017 for Zambia. 


My co-leader is Evan, he returned from the World Race in November, 2016.  We have 4 guys and 9 girls on our team, including a woman from Uruguay. 


This is a fast turn around and I know the Lord’s hand is guiding me! 


While driving to AIM, I stopped at Starbucks to get drinks for the leaders and did something I never have before, left my wallet. I realized a few hours later as I was packing my bag but when I went back, no one had turned it in. I can see that the Lord wants me to rely on Him for my every need!