Friend: “Welcome home, Tina.  What’s next for you?”  


Tina: “I will be Squad Leading in January, 2016.”


Friend: “What is Squad Leading?”


Tina: “Squad Leaders exist to serve the squad and lead them in the areas of spiritual and emotional growth, team health, effective ministry and pursuit of God.”


Friend: “Why do you want to Squad Lead?”


Tina: “God has given me a heart and passion for people.  God has called me to Squad Leading to work on my leadership skills and increase my love for His people.  I have gifts of encouragement, joy, discernment, leadership, peace and others to pass on to these people.  I love discipleship and helping people find their passions and learning how to walk them out.”


Friend: “Where will you go?”


Tina: “I will be with the 4th generation E Squad.  I will be with the Squad for the first 5 months of their race.  The route looks like this right now: South Africa, Botswana, Madagascar, Vietnam and Cambodia.”


Friend: “Will you be the only Squad Leader?”


Tina:  “No, we have a leadership team of 8 people.  I have two co-leaders Mark and Leanne, a mentor Megan, coaches Bobby and Sharon, logistics Matt and mobilizer Katelyn.  Mark, Leanne and I will be on the field with the squad and everyone else will support Stateside.  For debriefs, Megan, the mentor and Bobby and Sharon, the coaches will join the squad.  Matt and Katelyn could potentially come out for one debrief during the year.”


Friend: “When will you meet your leadership team?”


Tina: “I am in Gainesville, GA right now at the Adventures in Missions headquarters with the leadership team.  We all mesh really well and have many similar life experiences and things in common.  For example, Leanne and I have a passion for people with special needs and youth.  Mark and I are both identical twins, we’re both the older twin, we both hiked the Appalachian Trail and we were both born on February, 17!”


Friend: “That’s so funny, how much you have in common!  When will you meet E Squad?”


Tina: “Training Camp starts today, 10/15/15 and runs through the 26th.  The Racers will arrive between 3:30 pm – 6:00 pm.  We have been preparing the campus for their arrival!”


Friend: “Wow, so much is falling into place!”


Tina: “Seriously, God is so good and faithful!  He asked me to apply for Squad Leading, I did and after the interview process was offered a Squad Leading position for January, 2016.  I was asked to come down to GA for training, I did and He has been directing the staff here concerning the group of 16 Squad Leaders who came and the 6 Squads that are launching in January, where to place everyone, who should be paired with whom. Yesterday, our entire leadership team met, spent the day together in training and went out last night to get to know one another.  After sharing pizza for dinner, we went to the lake and prayed for our Squad.  What a beautiful time spent with Jesus!  He confirmed our leadership team, gave some words and direction for our squad, it was beautiful.”


Friend: “This is amazing, Tina!  How can I be praying for you?”


Tina: “Thank you for wanting to pray!  

+ Training Camp starts today and last the next 10 days, so if you could be in prayer for discernment for our leadership team, concerning E Squad, team formation, team leader selection, etc…

+ Bonds to be formed among our leadership team, bonds to be formed among us with the Racers and for bonds to be formed among the Racers

+ For strength, energy, stamina, rest, warm temperatures and joy from the Lord for me, during Training Camp

+ God’s provision of a job and place to live in November and December

+ Funds to come in for Squad Leading”


Friend: “How much do you need to raise for Squad Leading?”


Tina: “I need to raise $6,500 for Squad Leading.”


Friend: “Tina, I will be praying.  I am so excited for how the Lord is going to use you, your leadership team and E Squad in this next season!”  


Tina: “Me, too!  I know God has BIG PLANS for me, this team and this Squad.  I am super excited to see what He has in store and to be used by Him to further His Kingdom around the world.  Thank you so much for praying, it means so much to me to have your support.”