I am at training camp for squads launching in January, we’re having sessions and teachings and worship. As I was worshipping yesterday morning, I looked across the room and I saw the mentor from my Race and I had a negative thought towards him. Then I thought “whoa, where’d that come from?”  So, I took it to Jesus and asked Him to reveal anything thing I was harboring towards this man and his leadership. The Lord revealed some areas where I needed to forgive him and I did. Then, I was able to worship more freely. After forgiving him, I was able to pray for this man’s January squad and his leadership. I found freedom in forgiveness!

That happened during morning worship. Can you guess what our evening session was about?……. Forgiveness. God’s timing is so perfect and spot on!

Is unforgiveness holding you back? Is there someone that you need to forgive? Jesus can help you to truly forgive and find freedom in the forgiveness. Don’t hold yourself back by carrying around the weight of unforgiveness.