It is very clear that God works in mysterious ways. He chose outcasts, tax collector, nobodies, and a fisherman. That’s the amazing thing about God, he can use anyone to glorify his name.

      Jesus said go and make disciples of all the nations. In September 2018, I will be leaving for a 9 month missions trip to Ecuador, Guatemala, and Cambodia. I will be blogging in the time leading up to the race and the time during the race. While I am on the race I will for sure miss my friends and my family because they are a big part of who I am today, speaking of who I am here are some facts about me.

  • As of right now I am 17 years old
  • I have 2 older brothers and 1 older sister
  • I have been to Guatemala once
  • I play the ukulele
  • I love the mountains 
  • Ever since I was young my favorite color is pink 
  • I love fun footie pajamas 
  • My favorite animal is a dog
  • My favorite singer is Danny Gokey 
  • My favorite song it Rise up by Andra Day
  • I have lived in the same house my whole life
  • I love rock-climbing 
  • I’m a night person 
  • My middle name is Lynn
  • I am so pumped to see how God works in my life leading up and during the race!