A few weeks ago, a group of us got to serve in a poor and remote barrio in the mountains called Plan Techo.  We spent about 3 hours there for 3 days, doing a VBS type ministry of songs, games, and Bible stories. The team planned, prepared, and prayed over our time there…that the children would see the love of Jesus through us.  Although our goal at the time was to bless and teach the kids, I found the Lord teaching ME through them.

 The kiddos making lion masks from our story of Daniel in the lion’s den



The first kids I met were a brother and sister, named Andy and Vale.  Vale was a shy tiny little thing, but full of smiles. While the bigger kids were playing a jump rope game, she was hesitant…but when I gestured if she wanted my help, she shook her head yes.  I picked her up and we rant through together, giggling the whole time.

The second day, Pia decided that I was her person and quickly attached herself to me holding my hand, sitting with me, or riding piggyback.  She sweetly talked and talked and asked me questions in Spanish, not caring that I couldn’t understand half the things she was saying.


Me and my 2 new lovies on day 3

Over the 9 hours total that we spent with the neighborhood kids, I was reminded of how easily and quickly they are able to trust and love.  I was a total stranger on day 1, and by day 3 I had earned their unhindered trust and affection. What freedom they love with…not worried about if or when I would disappoint or leave them, just living in and enjoying the moment.

I found myself envious of their innocence and trust; and then I wondered how did I get to where I am now?  How do we adults get to the reserved and protective place we live in? So many times disappointment and hurt from people or the Lord “teach” us that we shouldn’t love or trust so freely.  We adults know not to open up to just anyone, and that we should protect ourselves from any unnecessary pain. We aren’t quick to invest our emotional effort or time to get to know someone who will just hurt or leave or won’t be “worth it” from our point of view.  

But is that the way that the Lord wants us to spend our time on this earth?  Is that the way that Jesus spent His time here? Only investing in the people that He deemed worthy or wouldn’t hurt Him?  Ouch. Holy conviction. The words “LOVE FREELY” have come back to me again and again as the Lord has been teaching me through this season.  Loving freely doesn’t mean that I won’t get hurt or be disappointed…in fact, I think it’s pretty much guaranteed that people will hurt and disappoint me because we are all flawed humans.  In my experience this season, it will actually hurt more because I have loved so openly and freely, not hesitantly or guarded in any sense.  A dear friend quoting another dear friend told me that “love always bleeds” and it always costs us something.  If it doesn’t cost us something, it’s not truly love.

The Lord has also reminded me several times this season of Jesus and how He loved so freely during His time here on earth.  He gave His time and effort to disciples who got it wrong time after time. He stopped and spent time with and healed the lame, the sick, and the blind.  He loved, not asking for anything in return…and hurt and bled for those around Him then, and for you and me now.

So for me…it has come down to a matter of trust.  Do I trust the Lord enough to love people freely? Do I trust that He will take care of me if there is hurt or disappointment while loving those people?  The kids I met trusted me after 9 hours…and I’ve known the Lord for years. Should I trust the Lord? Well, yes. But do I always? Well, no. But even in small ways, like through experiencing the love of neighborhood kids, He reminds me that I can trust Him and love others with the same childlike freedom.