Ever since I was young I always planned on going to college, even
though at times I was not sure what it would be for. I eventually decided I
was going to go for a type of engineering, and I was going to go to the
University of Georgia. I had my life planned out pretty well. But God had
other plans. The summer before my Senior year of high school He lead
us from Georgia out to Arkansas. This move threw a major change into
my plans considering I would not have in-state tuition or the scholarships
I would have had to Georgia. I still had the plan of going to college for
engineering, I just was not sure where. I applied to a few schools that
had good engineering programs, and after a little while I got accepted to
all the ones I applied to. I even got some great scholarship offers, so
finances wouldn’t be an issue. I started praying, asking God to show me
which school to go to and to help everything line up the way it needed to.
Then there was this conference at the church my family and I go to. The
evangelist turned to the youth and said, “Pray for God to show you the
next step. He hardly, if ever, lays out a 40 year plan”. After that I started
praying asking God to show me the next step he wanted me to take, and
I felt him calling me into missions. After that I started looking at
missionary opportunities for teens. I had heard about one that offers a
gap year program. You go to three to four countries over nine months.
We will minister in several different ways to many people. I feel that this
trip is the path that the Lord wants me to take at this point in time. And I
can’t wait to being this journey and see where it leads.