Since my last blog, the child with the sites has passed away. In fact, he died the very next day after we prayed over him.

At least he is no longer in pain, amen.

The man with the strokes was healed. When we prayed over him, he had a locked up left side. His jaw and left arm were too tight to move. As we prayed for him, he said they loosened. The next day, he was completely recovered. I call it healing, and attribute it to the glory of my God, but feel free to make it fit into whatever personal theology you’re comfortable with.

I met a 10 year old church planting pastor named Pastor Lawrence. This kid read a book about the faith journey and was moved to start sharing his faith with his friends. Shortly after, all the children of the local compound (thats like neighborhood) were meeting together for the Word of God. Soon, children from nearby compounds started to come, until the congregation grew to nearly 75. They now meet at Pastor Lawrence’s home on wednesdays for church under his leadership, and on sunday these kids trek for a few kilometers to a neighboring compund to be led by an older man of God, Pastor Oscar.

I preached to a packed school house full of Zambians, and by doing so, broke the law. (Preaching went incredible, thank you for asking. I went for 50 minutes and hardly even skimmed the surface of my notes, thanks to the Holy Spirit). See, it is illegal to use a school house for church. The new president of Zambia has declared it so. And let me tell you, the school house/church I was at was being patrolled by a canter truck full of AK-47 toting police officers. By some miracle of God solar to that of Paul’s imprisonment, the police neither saw not heard us… and that’s something all is own, because this school house/church was unashamedly getting Crunk for jesus. In fact, it was the most fun I have ever had at church… I’m not even sure I knew church was allowed to be that fun. Unfortunately, this new law is driving that sweet little church or of their current location and forcing them to purchase land (just f.y.i., the large tract of land they’re looking at but cannot currently afford is less than $2000). I’m praying and ask you to pay for Pastors Teddy and George in Libuyu–that God supernaturally provides for their need, and His bride.

I met a hero. Her name is Dorothy, and agree overcoming a life full of abuse, she raised her own 7 children then became a live-in caregiver and surrogate mother to 12 orphans living in the S.O.S. Livingstone orphanage. She unconditionally loves these children and encourages them to pursue the dreams and callings God has birthed within them. You’ll be happy to know that within her 12 children, she has numerous teachers, nurses, and policemen, as well as a few doctors, lawyers, business managers and even a farmer. She and I hit it off; She was the coach of the orphanage’s soccer team, and she even let me take the field with these little ballers.

I saw Victoria Falls, and it held so much of God’s fingerprint that it’s nearly incomprehensible.

And just spent a weekend way out in the bush, camping about 10 feet from the Zambezi River, and about 100 yards from Zimbabwe. We saw wild zebras, and a giraffe, and we heard hippos and crocs out in the water. We led Bible studies in multiple villages, or on church for the villagers, taught children about both God’s love, and good hygiene. I met the “head man” of 3 different villages, and was invited into one had man’s “Palace”. I weeded a village field full of corn and pidgeon peas. And I traveled in a hollowed out tree trunk down the zambezi…

Wanna hear (or read) the best part of it all?

All the physical and Worldly accomplishments are not even comparable to what God has been doing spiritually.

He has broken chains of bondage to addiction, which craft, and self. He has set captives free. The stock have been healed. The hungry have been fed. The thirsty have tasted living water. His light has been shone. His name has been glorified. His people have been reconciled. His message has been taken.

They have heard.

Because of the faithfulness of God’s people, they have heard.