So, as you probably already know, my previous route will no longer be the one I am going on. When I deferred my trip from September 2013 to January 2014 I lost that route. But last week all the new routes were posted. I have spent the last week praying over the routes and trying my best to seek God's will for me, and hopefully you guys have been praying over this decision as well.

All that being said, I have chosen a route! Below I have posted the route details. I would like to encourage you to spend a lot of time in intercession for each of these countries. It is almost March. I leave in about nine months. There are 11 countries here. You may try and spend 3-4 weeks in intercession for each country. That way, while I am in the field, we can all be in month long intercession for each place while knowing we have asked the Father to lay the groudwork ahead of time. 

Also, I am working on some fundraising ideas. Be on the look out for these. I will be writing a blog about different ways I'll be trying to fundraise. I am aiming at having it posted later this week. In the mean time, continue praying for the Spirit to go ahead and soften hearts and convict His people to support me financially and prayerfully. Talk to your church leaders about having me come speak about the Lord's calling on my life. Pray for me, my squad, my team and all the people we will meet on this adventure. I love you all…

Here is my new route:

January 2014 World Race Route 2

Host of the 2008 Summer Olympics and home to 1.3 billion people, China’s not just grand in land mass and population. Beside the Han Chinese, there are over fifty minority groups. While China has grown in leaps and bounds industrially, intellectually, and economically, it's still a politically closed nation. Depending on where you are, you may meet Buddhists, Muslims, and Taoists; there are even churches – government approved and regulated. The underground church is extensive and continues growing, even thriving, amidst persecution. While there, you'll have to pay homage to the Great Wall, and bring light and hope to a people in darkness and depression. How you'll do that exactly – you'll find out once you get there.


Once called the ”Land of the Morning Calm” present day South Korea seems to be anything but. At one time known for its tranquil mountains and countryside, today, old-world tradition and modern industrialism have collided, and urban sprawl has infused South Korean cities with life and nonstop commotion. The Christian Church is growing in South Korea — but it face challenges. In addition to encountering a strong Buddhist influence from China, churches struggle for unity and integrity in areas of leadership, structure, and authenticity. They find it hard to leave their mark on a fast-paced, materialistic society. Help develop discipleship programs in churches as you continue to evangelize the many who remain lost.

According to the CIA, the kingdom of Thailand, known as Siam until 1939, is the only country in the region not colonized by Europe. Their 2000 census showed that 94.6% of the population is Buddhist, 4.6% are Muslim, and 0.7% are Christian. Approximately 600,000 people live with HIV/AIDS in Thailand. With nearly two million people estimated to be forced into prostitution, it has become one of the most popular places for sex tourism. Change lives in the city-where you, like Jesus, might befriend prostitutes-or in the countryside-where you may serve youth, care for orphans, and encourage a remnant of believers.

Cambodia houses one of the Seven Wonders of the World, Angkor Wat, a Hindu temple and monastery built during the Khmer empire in the 12th century. It later became a Buddhist complex a century later, and today, just over 96% of Cambodia is Buddhist. Almost 30 years ago, 1.5 million Cambodians died at the hands of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge regime. Today, Cambodia is a source, transit point, and destination of human trafficking. Unfortunately, the government is struggling to stop it. The people of Cambodia are thirsty for the hope you can bring.

Enter a world entrenched in Islam. A people within the thriving metropolis of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysians still live in ignorance of the Good News of Jesus Christ. As you delve into this culture of works-based religion, strong self-discipline, and uncanny faith, you will have the unique opportunity to deliver hope and point the people to their Redeemer.

Once Europe’s ”best kept secret” as claimed by Lonely Planet, Estonia’s lush forests, beautiful coastline, quaint countryside, and charming cities are only some of its boastings. It's also home to Skype’s software developers. This former Soviet Union nation still shows evidence of its darker, colder times, while its people search for liberty. Usher in a spirit of freedom as you carry God’s presence into this oft overlooked country.

Sandwiched between Estonia to the north and Lithuania to the south, Latvia is home to the largest medieval church in Europe (built in the 13th century). Like Estonia, Latvia is another gem as far as tourism in Europe goes but per Lonely Planet, still rather hidden from the spotlight. Unemployment rate here was at 22% in 2010 but is improving. Sadly, Latvia's been ranked with lowest ranked healthcare systems in the EU and second lowest life expectancy. Over 22% of the population identifies itself as Roman Catholic, while over 19% claim to be Evangelical Lutheran; however, only 7% of the population actually attend religious services. As the country recovers economically, you could be an agent of spiritual revival and show the people what they've been missing out on.


Step back in time to Baroque cities and old-world countryside when you set foot on Lithuanian soil. Once one of the fastest growing economies in the European Union, Lithuania’s unemployment rate spiked due to the recent global financial crisis. In addition, Lithuania also has the highest suicide rate in the world. This nation, these people need the light and love of Christ to restore hope in the midst of darkness and despair.


Who hasn't heard of Kenya in their lifetime? The Kenyan people are colorful, musical, artistic and hungry for the love of Christ. The Maasai bush, the Nairobi metropolis, and the Kibera slums comprise a country diverse yet unified in history. As a new era dawns in Kenya, so does the gospel of truth and faith. By meeting felt needs in the bush and the city, participants help bear lasting fruit with current ministry partnerships (ministries like evangelism, orphan care, and community development), and build foundations of future partnerships.

Many who hear "Rwanda" immediately think, "genocide" – it was 16 years ago when 800,000 people were killed over the course of about three months. According to the U.S. State Department, Rwanda (once colonized by France) has the highest population density in sub-Saharan Africa; and like much of sub-Saharan Africa, this nation also is fighting hard against HIV/AIDS. This nation played a part of the genesis of this human rights organization and inspired this song; as you help bring healing to a country still recovering from this deep wound, God may birth a dream or vision in you…

Once a kingdom and British protectorate, for most of the later half of the 20th century, Uganda was under military rule, first under Idi Amin, the subject of the film The Last King of Scotland. Much of northern Uganda was also troubled by the Lord's Resistance Army, which heavily recruited child soldiers. Referred to as the Pearl of Africa, Uganda is diverse in topography and wildlife. You may find yourself in the north partnering with ministries that are bringing still-needed healing and reconciliation or in the south working with churches to evangelize and disciple the next generation of Kingdom workers.