In ancient Japan, during the height of Samurais, there was a practice observed by “retainers” or followers of a Master. Once a retainer had become a full-fledged Samurai warrior as well as made a name for himself as an outstanding leader and fighter, other men would choose to study under him. Think of this as an apprenticeship–young men would apprentice under an accomplished Samurai in order to learn his ways and eventually become a successful and famous Samurai themselves. 

When this apprenticeship was taken, the understudy would vow his life to the Master, promising to fearlessly follow his every command without question.

If the Master asked a retainer to do something with which he were not comfortable, there would be no question that it would be done. The retainer essentially had no choice. He either did what he was told by the Master or he shamed himself, his Master, his family, his fellow retainers, and all of the Samurai way in the past, present, and future. 

This being the case, a practice developed called Seppuku. Seppuku is a particularly gruesome suicide ritual in which a sword is plunged into the abdominal region and moved from left to right. It usually resulted in disembowelment. 

A Master would require this of a retainer who had been disgraced or brought dishonor on himself, usually by retreating from battle (something Samurais cannot do). If a retainer retreated–or showed any fear at all, really–he had brought great shame into his life, and in order to earn his honor back, his Master would command Seppuku, and the retainer would demonstrate his lack of fear for death. 

This gruesome practice developed even further into Oibara Seppuku, or the honorable suicide of retainers whose Master had died. This was seen as the most total and complete devotion to a Master–that upon his death, his understudies would follow him fearlessly into death by Seppuku. 


Let me ask you–Are you gruesomely murdering the aspects of your life that do not match The Way of your Master?

Jesus, my Master, has set a high standard. His Way is immaculate. I have devoted my life to following Him and His ways. He has even asked me to die to self–to lay to rest any part of my life that does not line up with His Way. If I am being honest, I can think of quite a few things that are alive and well in my life that should not be. I know that when the Holy Spirit filled me, I began a process of killing myself. I try to kill off the flesh and fleshly desires of my wicked heart and follow the immaculate way of the Master, but I am far from where I would like to be. There is a lot more death that needs to take place in my life in order for me to live a life that will never end in death (That’ll Preach!!   ….You guys fee free to use that, it’s good).

Furthermore, Christ has died. He was murdered and tortured to death. His physical self is no more. As Christians, it is our duty to follow Him in physical death. We must die to ourselves daily in order to  live in the Spirit. 

Live today as if you are dead. Live as if the only thing left alive in you is the Holy Spirit. Follow your Master in death of the flesh in order to live free and honorably in the purest communion with God.