Big news:
I will not be leaving in September of 2013.
In an unsuspected plot twist, I will now be leaving in January 2014.
Long story short, when I applied for the September trip, I didn't realize that the training week (which occurs 6-8 weeks before departure) would conflict with my prior committment to Camp Fuego. Since I will be interning at Camp Fuego this summer, and running camp (along with the other interns), I cannot shirk my resposibilities. I have committed to be at Fuego this summer, so I will be there. In order to fulfill both of these callings, and to ultimately serve the Kingdom as best as I can, I will be recieveing a new route and leaving in a year.
On the bright side, that gives me a lot more time to spend with all of my friends and family. I have a few extra months to fund raise. I will be able to fulfill my committments. If I work really diligently, I will be able to graduate college before I leave for the race now. So there are quite a few silver linings.
However, I do not know which route I will be going on because none of the January routes are posted yet. When they are posted, I will be praying over them and asking God to show me which route he is calling me to, and I would appreciate for each of you to be praying over that as well.
Also, I would really love it if we could all continue praying over Squad U (the squad I will no longer be apart of) and their journey. I know the Lord is going to use them to break chains of bondage and free oppressed people in each of the eleven countries they will be going to.
So, in summation, I will be postponing my departure to January, but I will still need a healthy dose of prayer covering. Pray for my old Squad and their journey in the world, as well as their team work and their individual spiritual lives. Also pray for my new squad and address all the same issues. Ask the Spirit to give me clairty on the route I should choose when they are posted. Continue asking God to provide like only He can. And hey, why not just go on ahead and pray for Camp Fuego and the low-income students who will have an opportunity to go to a real Church Summer Camp this year.
Thanks for all your support, and sorry for the plot twist. I will try to keep the story as straight as possible in the future.