I grew up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I moved to Minnesota to go to college, fell in love with the awesomeness of the twin cities, and have lived in Minnesota ever since. I went to the University of Northwestern and graduated with a youth ministry degree. I love to travel, drink coffee, read books, eat ethnic food, run, and spend time with friends. I live with my best friend Libby and she is a joy to do life with. I have a little niece named Vera, who is almost 2 years old and is the love of my life. I am a full time preschool teacher at a childcare center in downtown Minneapolis. My assistant and I take care of 14 kids between the ages of 3 to 5. There is certainly never a dull moment in my classroom. I also take adult Irish dance lessons once a week and have a great community with the people I dance with. I’m looking forward to the World Race because I have done many short term missions trips and I look forward to doing a YEAR of short term trips.