I opened up my blog page today to the biggest surprise! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR GETTING ME FULLY FUNDED! I had an anonymous donation for the last little bit that I needed to reach my goal. After the shock wore off a bit from seeing that I found myself just staring at my computer screen, jaw dropped. I am so speechless right now. All I can say is that God is good and He has brought some really amazing people in my life to go on this journey with me for Him. Thank you all again!
I made it to Malaysia safe and sound on February 1st. I survived the longest plane ride I’ve ever been on and am slowly adjusting to the 13 hour time difference but loving every second of living in this beautiful country. We have only been at our ministry site for about 24 hours now but I will keep you updated on what the month looks like the more we get into the work we will be doing.
As for Guatemala, I had the best time there. God protected us from a tree falling on the rooms we were staying in at the house my team and I were living at by giving our host the discernment to move us to a different house during a retreat they were holding there (even though we all could have easily lived in the house together) God was protecting us even when we didn’t know we needed protecting.
We got to work in a school and teach english and values to high school students. We knew very little spanish and they knew very little english but it was amazing to see how much we could communicate to them in different ways and I had the best time getting to know them and teach them and sing and dance the Father Abraham song with a bunch of high schoolers who probably thought we were just some crazy gringos but joined in and were laughing and having great time by the end of the day.
The culture of Guatemala was so warm and welcoming. I met some amazing friends in this country that I will never forget and I’m so thankful God brought into my life. People that make me want to go back and visit the beautiful city of Antigua as soon as possible.
God is just so good and I am just blown away by His love and provision for me. I cannot wait to see what He has in store for my life here in Asia. I have been placed on a new team with five other wonderful women of Christ. I am excited to get to do life with them the next 7 months!
Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we love on the people of Malaysia this month and that God does amazing things in and through us.
I love you all!